Brain Training : Improving quality of life through cognitive training

Article by steve woods

Improving quality of life through cognitive training – Health

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CogniFit Brain Fitness is a revolutionary technology that lets you explore your brain, assess your cognitive skills, train the abilities that are important to you and gives you an efficient mind training. You will instantly know how fit your brain is and what can be done to boost it. Pretty cool? Right. and it’s free!

You simply start by taking a quick assessment that will show you where you stand. You can compare yourself to your family, your friends and the rest of the world and even decide what you want to specifically improve in your life!

Based on brain plasticity, CogniFit has been around for more than 10 years validating its program scientifically with leading universities and institutions. The patented Individualized Training SystemT adjusts dynamically to provide you with an optimal experience.

Research shows that creating a meaningful, effective brain training program for any given user requires personalizing the training regimen to the user’s needs. The technological challenge of personalization lies in the ability to capture the user’s unique cognitive profile. The breakthrough technology developed and patented by CogniFit automates the assessment of one’s cognitive profile and builds a matching brain training program that is optimized to fit that profile. The award winning range of CogniFit brain training products is powered by these core technologies, Cognitive Assessment and ITST (Individualized Training System).

CogniFit Brain Fitness developed the Cognitive Assessment technology to objectively establish the user’s unique cognitive profile before the training begins in order to achieve an optimal cerebral and mental health. An assessment ranks each user’s cognitive skills, such as memory, from strongest to weakest and determines the relative weight of each skill. While some users have an idea about the cognitive skills they want to improve, their perception is necessarily subjective. Given a choice, users tend to prefer working on skills that are easier for them.

Other users may have no idea at all. By using objective scientific analysis, the Cognitive Assessment relieves the user from the need to struggle with understanding a long list of cognitive skills or guessing their skill level by trial and error. Instead, it can automate the selection of an optimal training program, tailored to give the user maximum mind training effectiveness from the very beginning.

Anchored in Reality
ITST (Individualized Training System) is a patented, technologically advanced real-time application that manages each user’s training experience. Using sophisticated algorithms on data provided by the assessment, ITST configures an individualized training program with an optimal balance of tasks and levels of difficulty to match the user’s cognitive profile. Ongoing, ITST ensures maximum training effectiveness by continually monitoring the user’s performance and adjusting the tasks in real time.
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steve woods

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