How to Improve the Brain Power Simple Techniques : Brain Power

Article by Jamie Starr

There is a popular notion that our life is just a set of different challenges. If this is the case, we have to be always ready on what our life is in store for us. We have to learn therefore to improve our brain power.

You do not need to be super intelligent like Stephen Hawking or Albert Einstein for you to be able to use your brain better for there are some simple techniques that you can do to increase your brain power even with any IQ level that you have.

The first thing is for you to breathe deeply. This is because if you are taking in more air, there will be more oxygen to flow into your brain through your bloodstreams. As you breathe through your nose, you would notice that your diaphragm will drop naturally. This will give your lungs additional space to expand to. And also, successive deep breaths help your body to relax. The more relaxed you are, the more you can think well.

Another basic technique is to improve your posture. Having a good posture such as sitting straight is not just what your mother is always insisting you to do, it is also a simple technique to improve your brain power. Check this out, try to slouch down looking at the floor and letting your mouth open. Then try to solve some math problems mentally. And also try sitting up straight, shut your mouth, look forward and then solve the math problem. You would notice this is easier than the other.

Having physical exercise is also one technique to improve your brain power because by moving your body, so will your mind. It is not necessarily to be so intense physical exercise. Even for just 20 to 30 minute walk will do. This is enough to stimulate your breathing and your blood circulation. You will be able to remove your stress so you can think clearly.

There are some people who learn the skill of improving brain power by using mental technique. This is what we call as “mindfulness exercise.” With this technique, you will focus on things that are actually nagging your brain. Thus, when you already noticed those things, you will learn to deal with these by making your list on the things that must be done later. In doing so, your mind will surely be cleared from annoyances and eventually enhances your concentration.

These are some of the simple techniques for you to improve your brain power and there are many more ways that you can do. There are different foods that you can eat as brain enhancers and many herbal supplements as well that are available in the market. Therefore, if you are really serious to improve your brain power, you have to change your habit and start right now. According to psychologists, it will take 20 – 30 days for a new habit to be established. Thus, you have to commit that you will regularly do your routine for at least three weeks to become a habit.

Jamie Starr is a memory improvement expert. To know more about how to improve the brain power, visit

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