Short Term Memory-Making Remembering Fun : Short Term Memory

Article by Dave Pipitone

When you try to teach subject or information to children, you will make fast progress when you making learning fun and enjoyable. For example, turning an activity into a game will get kids looking forward to each and every lesson.

Not only will children anticipate learning time as “fun time,” having that fun will actually help “hardwire” the information into their brains. For that reason, if you’re wondering how to improve the short term memory in children, just turn it into a game and they will pick up whatever you’re trying to teach them in no time at all.

Remember This

Remember that memory game we all played as kids? You can use a set of cards, pictures, or even words printed on index cards. First, shufifle all of the objects and turn them face down on the table or floor. One player starts by turning any two objects face up. If the pictures, words or cards match, you take the pair and put it on your side. If the objects don’t match, you turn them back over, face down. It is the next person’s turn.

Then the next person selects two objects and turns them over when it is their turn. The one with the most pairs of cards wins the game. This game helps your brain to remember where certain objects are so that you can match them up and win the game. Playing the memory game is a lot of fun whether a child plays alone or with other children. It’s a great family game, too.

So if you’re wondering how to improve the short term memory in children, why not have them play the memory game? You can pick up the memory game at any children’s or toy store, or you can make your own with a little bit of artistic ability and set of matching objects, like putting numbers or pictures on index cards. As the kids keep choosing the right cards, you will know they are improving their skill and increasing their short term memory.

Hearing and Remembering

If you’re wondering how to improve the short term memory in children, remember to focus on the auditory part of that short term memory. Have you ever seen children play sound games? They love sound games. Simply repeat a list of items, such as a series of people names. Tell the children to listen very closely. When you are finished saying the list, give them a sheet of paper and ask them write down the items as best as they can remember.

As the children improve, put more items on the list and play the game until they can repeat the list automatically. This is an effective method to improve the short term memory in children that is also fun to do.

Reward Their Memory

Remember, whenever you’re playing a game with children, such as when you’re wondering how to improve the short term memory in children, make sure you have some sort of reward system in place. When the children think they’re going to be rewarded for winning these games, they will try that much harder and will pick up the information in no time.

The rewards you give for winning the game don’t have to be big or expensive. The incentives should be enough to make them want to make their short term memories more accurate. So, have the kids boast a little when they remember better and reinforce it with praise. A little friendly competition against kids to see who remembers best when you’re playing with them helps, too. That is how to improve the short term memory in children.

Dave Pipitone is webmaster of / which offers information and resources you can use to improve your memory.

This is an edited version of the BBC documentary ‘Man without a memory’ ( It shows the essence of Clive’s disability (and it’s pretty sad to watch too!). Post-view question to ponder: do you think Clive is happy?
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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