Aspiring Managers Must Have Brain Muscle To Burn : Brain Foods

Article by Geoffrey Norman

This article is a taster to give you some brain food for career progress. How many really talented, stand out Managers are out there? The real top of the pile ‘can do’ managers that never say no. How many would be managers who have the talent and the imagination to be a top of the pile Can Do manager? At the moment I bet there are hundreds, maybe thousands. I wonder. These are the managers that burn off the brain food that they take in.

Who has carried out a Benchmarking exercise? Not many I guess. I would ask why not, because it could open all sorts of gates for you and your company. Can you imagine the power contained in serious information being garnered about your main competitors and published by you in such away as to elevate you to being your Company’s expert in the field?

When was the last time you really thought about treating your team as individuals? Actually Its quite easy. Most managers look forward to having team meetings but find it difficult to appeal to different levels of competence within the team when in reality it is quite easy. You tell the same story in different words three different ways. Difficult? Complicated? No it’s actually very easy and quite powerful. You will know the adage of making a presentation I’m sure. Get out front, tell them what you are going to tell them. Tell them and then tell them what you have told them. Instead of saying it ‘off pat’ you alter it so as to appeal to three different levels of experience or expertise or intellect. By doing this and then publishing the technique you are writing an internal paper. How many people do you know that does that?

If anyone has carried out serious projects of their own volition and single handedly published and presented the results it could be that they are on their way. Our brain needs exercise it needs motivating to be at its best. And for many years it has been a knotty issue to actually write a programme that allows the imagination of a creative mind to actually apply all that talent to reality.

You need your brain Muscle to manage your work portfolio and the future. Often they are not the same thing. It has been said to me. “I would love to find the time to…” My response is always the same. “The best people are the busiest people”. Have you noticed that if you want anything done you give it to the busiest person? It always seems to be that person who takes time off for vacation. They are relaxed and confident. Almost certainly this will be a ‘can do’ manager.

The manual or eBook if you like covers the detail of techniques and issues that need to be addressed by the aspiring person to move on up the ladder. Covering issues like the real difference between managing people and managing things, describing the difference between leadership and management. Can you think of ways to manage people? I hope not because it is almost impossible. You can instruct them and have them work by prescription. I suppose that is managing them but poor practice don’t you think? Actually you probably already lead your people and call it management… What about things though, like atmosphere or computers or furniture. you sure can’t lead them can you they have to be managed, or lead people to manage them for you There you have it then. You lead people and manage things. There is a whole lot more to this and once the techniques are learned they should be published and you publish a paper in your name across the Company for your benefit.

If any one is going to seriously succeed in today’s competitive environment they better be prepared to stand out! Ideas on how to be creative when your nose is so close to day to day activity are understandably hard to come by so the manual applies a self reward motivation based on timescales and deadlines. It tells people how to be creatively busy. Giving that serious challenges that are unlikely to be undertaken involuntarily, require coaching, so what is suggested here is never mind how difficult, what is the reward? Your reward for yourself I mean. Frankly it does not matter so long as it is realistic. Include your partner too and let them share your reward for hard work.

There has probably never been a coaching manual that is totally unique, (apart from the first one). What business actually needs is the aspiring manager to put him or herself first, by being first and by standing out. Doing it for themselves and the company profits as well. There are very few books especially written for what a manager can get out of his work, they are far more,and easily, focused on the company. ‘By doing something in a particular way you achieve ‘this’ for the company’. To be different, productive and to really stand out you take all the training and coaching on offer and then add your own ingenuity and do it yourself.

How To Grow Your Managers Brain Muscle is brand new eBook for everyone that has aspirations for their career! It concentrates on you, not your Manager or the Company. Your career more than ever is in your hands and nobody is going to look after you as well as you. What you will learn from following the guidelines in this manual is how you place yourself in the strongest position to have your career enhanced. Not by shortcuts but by well founded and proven methods that will be easy for you to follow if you have the will.

You will succeed if you work to the principles in the manual, the quality of your inputs will be directly influenced by your drive and ambition. You have to do it and this tells you how. If you would like to read more follow the link below. The beauty of a work like this is that your Company may well pay for the download and apply the cost to their training budget.Go to and find out more of what you can do for yourself.

After retiring early from the high end of industry I spent a few years consulting. In that time I have visited industry all over the world and found very few businesses capable of developing a management teem of individuals. So my next few years will be devoted to that plus some other useful shareable experiences. I have worked a lot in areas of natural disaster and the treatment of families by the establishment has often been shabby, so I designed a defence against that too.

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