Enhancing Memory Through Memory Games

You must have tried remembering a number by repeatedly saying it in your head till you memorized it. Due to your active memory, this was possible; but, after dialing a phone number continuously for a few hours, you must have forgotten it.

This is due to the fact that the phone number is not stored in our long term memory. While the active memory is dependable for a fast recollection of bits of data such as contact numbers, it can retain at least seven pieces of data and that also for a very small period of time.

If you need to recall data for a lengthy period of time, the new data must be associated with data you are already familiar with. Storing information to your long term memory helps retain information for much lengthier intervals.

Numerous methods to improve your memory are available that are quite difficult. Also, there are methods that are both humorous and helpful. In these methods, you will find many games such as puzzles that can help exercise your memory.

One method to remember information that you require to store in your long term memory is to create a tale that relates the exact items or data you need to remember, making them simpler to recall. The plan here is that it is simpler to remember more data when it is related with another data or idea.

While the tale is being created, you can also make a strong mental picture of what is occurring. This helps in relating the information to an image and seals it into your long term memory.

Story telling becomes more fun when it is performed with a group. The group can rehearse by laying more objects on the floor and attempting to remember them. Each individual of the group is given a chance to add to the story by adding another object.

When all the objects have been added to the story, all the objects are removed from the room. Now, it is to be seen as to who can remember the most number of objects. It is certain that your group will recall the whole story thus remembering all the objects.

Another game that helps the mind practice is pexeso. This game consists of matching pairs like tiles or cards from a group, when one of each group is not visible.

This game can be played with a set of tiles that comprise of pairs of images or symbols. This game can be played by using half a pack of playing cards but then remember to remove 2 to 4 suits so you can only have 2 aces, 2 queens, 2 jacks etc.

First, place out 24 cards, making sure that those 24 cards are composed of 12 matched pairs. Once they are faced down, move the cards around so that it is difficult to know as to where any card is placed.

Now, turn the cards one at a time and look at the digit or the image on the card, and then turn it facing down again. This process needs to be repeated till you turn over a tile that matches a tile you turned earlier. Now, find the card’s pair by remembering from an earlier card as to where it is placed. When you have found a pair, remove them from the set.  This game can be modified to make your own version but you should be sure that they are really mind-practicing games such as puzzles and solving problems.

These kinds of games exercise your brain and your memory and you can expect, by playing these kinds of games, that your memory will be a lot sharper and also a lot more precise.


MindMaster, dealing with subtleties of human mind, can effectively help you improve your memory through, positive thinking that can help you sharpen your memory. You can download and try the program Free by visiting http://www.mindmaster.tv

Memory Exercises