Brain Entrainment : Brain Entrainment For Beginners

Brain Entrainment is a phrase that sounds daunting and overly medicalized. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Brain Entrainment is simply the act of encouraging a change in brain wave frequencies. This is something that happens naturally and can be fostered and developed for better health and peace of mind.

The process of moving the brain waves to lower frequencies is known as brain entrainment. It is accomplished primarily through meditation and focus on tasks in which people are passionate.

Brains function on a daily basis at relatively high frequencies. When this is happening it is difficult for the various parts of the brain to synchronize and communicate. Instead, such focus in daily tasks actually uses minimal amounts of the human brain’s capacity.

When our brains are at a lower frequency there is more synchronicity between the hemisphere’s of the brain. Synchronicity makes everything easier from concentrating and learning, to creating and analyzing. Athletes and artists regularly experience the benefits of brain entrainment when they are “in the zone.”

Being “in the zone” quite literally means that your brain is experiencing a state of low brain wave frequency. It is during these periods of lower brainwave frequency that super learning is accomplished and high levels of creativity can achieved.

There are six main brainwave frequencies; gamma, beta, alpha, theta, delta and lamda. Each frequency corresponds to a specific sounding hertz frequency and is associated with specific characteristics including creativity, analytics, intuition and healing.

Brain entrainment techniques are used in modern medicine to lessen anxiety, alleviate depression and ease patients in surgery during limited states of consciousness.

Practice makes perfect with brain entrainment. Daily meditation makes the act of reaching a meditative state easier over time. Listening to specific sounds and music that prompt the brain to enter a lower frequency, which is brain entrainment, encourages your brain to spend more time in that frequency increasing your memory, ability to create, analytical ability and general peace of mind.

Find the best brain entrainment system for you – just click here.

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