Brain Power – Teaming Left And Right Brain Halves

There are very few things in nature that are exactly alike, and that goes for so-called identical twins too. Every mountain is different, and no two sunsets are the same. This applies to the two halves of our brain too like life partners they have different skills that with practice can develop into complementary roles.

The left brain is analytical in nature, and follows logical, sequential thought patterns. Its strengths lie in its power of rational and analytical thinking that it bases on objectively proven facts. Sometimes though, the left brain gets lost in detail though, and loses touch with the greater reality around the subject.

The right brain seeks out the bigger picture although this may be at the cost of the detail. Its strengths lie in its powers of intuition and its ability to create new ideas. Sometimes though, the right brain immerses itself in the big picture that it is building, to the extent that it produces ideas that are too far-fetched and impractical in the real world.

Most people have a worldview that favors either left brain analytical or right brain holistic thinking styles. There is no right or wrong here, although the educational systems tend to focus on left brain education because this is where facts are stored. Schools tend as a result to produce people more focused on logical thinking, accuracy and analysis, than moments of feeling, aesthetics and creativity. This is why so many people in our society just follow rules while so few ever fly like birds in a creative sky.

As business owners and managers, we need to understand where each of us sits on the left brain right brain continuum, and how this affects our capacity to manage and grow our businesses. Obviously, we need our analytical sides to help us through the routine of everyday life. At the same time though, we need our intuitive selves when we go looking for new ideas, because new ideas are by definition not part of established fact. The bottom line here is that a left or right brain develops to the extent that it is exercised and stimulated.

The clue to combining the left and right parts of our brain in business is very simple, although the application of this can be a challenge for most. Left brain thinkers need to learn to look beyond the facts, and relate to staff and colleagues holistically, as opposed to in terms of the present moment. Right brain thinkers must learn to focus on the detail and not just the excitement of generating new business ideas. The result will be a better-balanced business owner, better personal productivity and better results for the business.

A good Business Coach helps a client to achieve these vital things by being an impartial observer of their clients approach to business. It is very easy to give up on change and go back to where you were. If you are ready to make a quantum shift and team the left and right hand parts of your brain, make contact with a good business coach right away and find out how they can assist.

Brain Power