Brainwave Entrainment – Frequently Asked Questions

What is Brainwave Entrainment?

Brainwave Entrainment has been studied extensively for a little over 70 years. It refers to the brain’s electrical response to rhythmic sensory stimulation, such as pulses of sound or light. You have probably been using brainwave entrainment to alter your brainwave states without evening knowing. For example the calming effect of gazing into a fire or flame, drumming, listening to certain styles of music or even watching TV.

When the brain is given any stimulus, through the ears, the eyes or any of the other senses, it emits an electrical charge in response. These electrical responses travel throughout the brain to become what you see and what you hear. When the brain is presented with a rhythmic stimulus, such as a sound or a beat for example, the rhythm is reproduced in the brain in the form of these electrical impulses. If the rhythm becomes consistent enough, it can start to resemble the natural internal rhythms of the brain, called brainwaves. When this happens, the brain responds by synchronizing its own electric cycles to the same rhythm.

Is Brainwave Entrainment safe?

Yes. Brainwaves are activated no matter what you do, and certainly no matter what music you listen to.

If you listen to ANY song repeatedly, you are entraining your brain in some way (though the effect is not always permanent, it depends on how emotional the experience is for you).

The difference with self-help entrainment is that it is geared toward a focused result, not just aesthetic enjoyment as most music.

If you have ever experienced a seizure or epilepsy, or have any other ailments that affect the brain, e.g.

schizophrenia or bipolar disorder you should consult your doctor before using any kind of assisted brain entrainment.

How often do I need to listen to the CD’s?

In order to achieve the best results you need to listen to the CD’s on a regular basis. I would recommend you listen at least 4 times per week.

How often will it take for me to notice the effects?

Of course this is variable and will depend on the length of time you have been experiencing a particular problem. However, it is possible for you to notice changes immediately after just one session. If you listen to the recordings on a regular basis as recommended in the previous question, you should see positive changes within 2-4 weeks. When you listen to the recordings on a regular basis your brain starts to produce the frequencies contained in the recordings on its own. Thus providing long lasting and often permanent effects.

Am I able to listen to the tracks whilst driving?

No. It is not recommended that you drive whilst listening to the recordings. It is best to listen to the recordings in a quiet and relaxed setting. However, recordings which are specific for energy improvement, creativity or memory enhancement can listen to the recordings whilst they go about their daily activities

Are there any side effects from brainwave entrainment?

Some people may experience headaches when they first listen to the CDs due to increased blood flow in the brain. Some people also report increased dreaming or more lucid and vivid dreams. For the most part there are no adverse side effects. It is also important to keep well hydrated before and after sessions.

How does Brainwave Entrainment work?

What happens in audio brainwave entrainment is that the brain begins to “follow” the frequency of the pulses of sound. Audio brainwave entrainment uses technology that inserts subtle beats, modulations and pulses into music. When you listen to the music, slight vibrations occur in the ear drum that is then echoed by the brain. The brain then begins to help you change your mental state. For example, if you are anxious you are probably producing too many brain waves of a beta frequency. By listening to recordings containing alpha tones, your brain becomes entrained to these tones and produces more alpha waves which promote feelings of relaxation and calm.

Is Brainwave Entrainment useful for attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)?

If you are a person who suffers from ADHD you probably have issues focusing. Individuals with ADHD have specific brainwave patterns. Through audio brainwave entrainment the person is able to actually speed up their brainwaves so that they can begin to concentrate. The audio causes the left brain to remain dominant so that the person can increase their ability to concentrate, reduce emotional response and also to reduce hyperactivity.

These audio brainwave entrainment increases the beta brainwaves and acts as a “mental workout” of sorts. You are able to increase the electrical activity in the brain, increase the blood flow to the brain, and promote new nerve cell growth in the brain. Individuals can cause major shifts in the brainwave patterns after one short session. However, to change your emotions and behaviors over time you will want to use a series of sessions on a regular basis over several months. Eventually, your brain will be trained to produce these same patterns on its own, thus allowing you to have greater control over your ability to concentrate and reduce hyperactivity.

Who else would benefit from using brainwave entrainment technologies?

Everyone can gain some benefit from brainwave entrainment. It is effective for meditation, relaxation, creativity and memory enhancement as well as performance enhancement for sports people.

In addition, brainwave entrainment has shown to be effective for various ailments particularly insomnia, anxiety and stress, pain relief, headaches, fibromyalgia and fatigue, premenstural tension and ADHD.

What is the most effective way to use brainwave entrainment?

Brain Entrainment