Increase Brain Power With Brain-Boosting Supplements


Wouldn’t it be nice if taking two or three magic pills each day would ensure a healthy brain and increase brain power throughout life? Unfortunately, at this point it time, that is not possible. BUT – there are a few dietary supplements that are producing positive results in studies on brain health. 
It would not be impossible to discuss, or even list them all in one short article; so, I have chosen six good possibilities that you may want to investigate further. 
Gingko biloba has long been revered as a medicinal wonder and is one of the most commonly used supplements for brain health.
Studies have shown that gingko biloba increases blood flow to the brain, providing oxygen, which is critical to efficient brain function. An adequate oxygen supply must be continuous because it is the fuel that allows the brain to send signals to all parts of the body and keep it functioning normally
Since gingko biloba is widely cultivated, it is inexpensive when compared to other supplements and won’t leave a big dent in your monthly budget. Most gingko biloba supplements require a dose of only 1 to 2 tablets or capsules a day. 
Omega-3 fatty acids improve memory, learning ability, and may also prevent depression, mood disorders, schizophrenia, and dementia. A large percentage of the gray matter in the brain is made up Omega-3 fatty acids. These help make brain cells more fluid and in turn, improve communication between brain cells. DHA also seems to slow down the buildup of a protein that forms neurofibrillary tangle in the brain, a contributing factor in Alzheimer’s disease. 
The best food source for Omega-3 is oily fish, particularly wild salmon, but if fish is not your thing, there are other options. Fresh, raw refrigerated walnuts and chia seeds are excellent alternatives and both can be easily incorporated into your diet in a multitude of ways. In addition to Omega 3 fatty acids, they are full of Omega-6 fatty acids, which work as a natural antidepressant.  
As you can see, Omega-3 is available in a number of foods, but if you choose to take it in capsule form, the recommended dose via food and/or supplements is 1,000 to 3,000 milligrams daily
Below are four additional supplements that you may want to consider.  These four are often found in combination supplement capsules or tablets. 
1. Nattokinase (from soybeans) helps with blood flow in the body – including the brain, which is critical for lifelong mental acuity. 
2. Alpha Lipoic acid (aLa) is one of the best antioxidants for the brain.
3. Phosphatidyl Serine (PS) helps with memory recall, especially numbers, names and faces, etc. 
4. Acetyl-L-Carnitine helps brain produce a vital neurotransmitter and is often used in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. 
Herbal supplements are not always safe just because they have been derived primarily from plants. Many herbal plants are quite potent. There can be side effects, sensitivities and possible negative interactions with medications that you are taking.


J. J. Jackson is a writer who has developed an expertise in how to improve brain power.  You can check out his latest website at>How to Improve Brain Power, where he provides key essentials on how to develop and sustain long-term mental acuity including>Power Up Your Brain, Engage Your Senses to Increase Brain Power, and much more. 

Brain Power