The Best Brain Supplements : Brain Vitamin

Article by Holly Avens

What would you do if you knew that you could prevent memory loss and Alzheimer’s? Well it is possible to do just that with exercise, healthy eating, good sleeping habits and proper supplementation for the brain. Studies have been done that link to this result and it is amazing to think that you are in control of your own outcome, not genetics in this aspect. There are three supplements that are recommended in order to sustain good brain health; which are CoEnzyme Q10, a Comprehensive Multi-Vitamin and Acetyl-Carnitine.

CoEnzyme Q10CoEnzyme Q10 is a powerful antioxidant that provides energy to all cells, especially in the heart and brain. CoQ10 is vital to your brain power. Aging causes a loss of CoQ10; which is why your brain can not function at full speed like it once did. The recommended dosage is 100-200 milligrams. Supplementing with CoQ10 has been researched and has been proven to be effective and safe. It is important to realize the role that CoQ10 has in your brain functionality and to take the proper steps to help your brain stay at its optimal level.

Comprehensive Multi-VitaminTaking a Multi-Vitamin that contains at least 400 mcg of folic acid and 500 mg of Vitamin C is important for many reasons. Folic acid overall reduces homocysteine; which is the culprit in causing heart disease and strokes. Folic acid and Vitamin B12 work together to prevent brain damage; which would have occurred otherwise. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that promotes the transmission of messages throughout the brain. Vitamin C overall reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s by 20% to where it keeps the brain functioning efficiently and effectively. Again, make sure the multi-vitamin has the stated amount above in order to get the optimal results.

Acetyl-CarnitineAcetyl-Carnitine is the third brain supplement to help prevent memory loss and Alzheimer’s. The key to this supplement is that it can protect the brain from neurotoxicity and oxygen deprivation. As you can see that this goes hand in hand with CoQ10. As CoQ10, gives the energy to each cell, Acetyl-Carnitine creates an environment for rejuvenation for the mental and physical function of a cell. It is recommended that no more than 1,000 mg of Acetyl-Carnitine a day be consumed without the approval from your doctor. As can you can see these supplements are vital to good brain health. Taking them will allow you to feel better overall and later in life you will have better memory than you could have; which will lead to a better quality of life. Act now to protect your brain with exercise, a healthy diet and great brain supplements.

Holly Avens, a health writer for Discount Remedies Inc, enjoys writing on a variety of natural remedies and supplements including brain supplements.

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