10 Foods to Add to the Brain Diet to Help Improve Brain Function : Brain Foods

Article by William T. Morgan

Food is an easy way to improve brain function because you can build up the nutrients and chemicals needed for your brain to operate at maximum efficiency while also enhancing your overall health. Have you ever noticed if you skip a meal or two you have difficulty concentrating, or perhaps you become a little irritable? That’s your brain telling you it needs a new supply of nutrition to operate properly.Essential fatty acids- many people are led to believe that dietary fats are bad. However certain fats obtained from foods are critical for optimal brain health. Your brain cells depend on fats for construction, repair, and ongoing communication.

Unsaturated fats are those that must be obtained from diet because the body cannot create them. Among the most important of these are unsaturated omega 3and Omega 6 fatty acids. Omega 6 fatty acids are plentiful in the typical American diet, it’s the omega-3 fatty acids that are less plentiful in our diet.
