3 Foods To Boost Your Brain Power : Brain Power

Article by Frances Cheung

Have you ever had a deadline to reach, and found that you just couldn’t stay focused on your tasks, no matter how urgent the deadline? Or ever get into a conversation with someone, maybe someone you’re trying to impress, and find yourself at a loss for comments, witty remarks, or being able to engage in dialogue?

The foods that you’re eating (or not eating) could have a lot to do with your brain power function, and your ability to be coherent and focused. Generally speaking, whole, unprocessed, unrefined foods are best. Emphasize a diet high in fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and high quality protein.

Junk foods and processed, refined foods can have a detrimental effect on your brain by inhibiting its function. These foods tend to cloud the brain and fog your thinking by inhibiting the release of chemicals that are needed to keep your brain alert and stay sharp.

Below are my top 3 foods for boosting your brain power:

1. Walnuts are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which help to improve memory and your ability to learn new things. Ever notice the shape of a walnut? It resembles the shape of your brain! It makes incorporating walnuts into your diet almost a no-brainer.:) Have walnuts as a snack, toss into your salad, add to cereal or hot grain breakfast, or as a topping in yogurt. Other sources of omega 3’s include salmon, flax seed/oil and hemp seed/oil.

2. Carrots. Remember Bugs Bunny? Gotta love those Saturday morning cartoons! Bugs was always depicted as the smart one, and there may be reason with those carrots he’s always munching on. Carrots contain a good source of vitamin C, beta carotene, and the B vitamins, which slow down the signs of aging and have been linked to improved memory and reasoning. If you don’t like eating carrots plain, dress them up. Dip them in hummus for a treat. Other foods rich in beta carotene include other deep orange vegetables, such as sweet potatoes and butternut squash, and also dark leafy greens, such as kale and collard greens.

3. Blueberries contain antioxidants, vitamin C and fiber, which help protect the brain from oxidative stress, and may reduce the effects of age-related conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. They may also help improve both learning capacity and motor skills. Aside from its nutritional benefits, blueberries are tasty! You can eat them as they are, add to yogurt, cereal, or use in desserts and baking.

While food alone does not determine brain function, the foods you eat can have a huge impact on its effectiveness. It’s also important to ensure you exercise to increase and maintain blood flow, as well as maintaining a healthy nervous system and getting good, quality sleep.

Frances Cheung is a certified Holistic Nutrition & Wellness Coach, and works with high-powered business professionals & entrepreneurs in learning how to naturally boost their immune systems, restore their vitality, resolve digestive concerns & achieve their ideal weight. To learn more about Frances and her coaching programs and upcoming events, please visit http://www.francescheung.com

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