Brain Food Supplements : Brain Foods

Article by Nutramart

A certain foods that one eats today help them to become a lot smarter, sharper and stronger and may also give a brain which functions to its full capacity and gives the maximum results proving in it better than others. Today in the world of infinite food supplements you should consider yourself lucky as the major 5 food supplements might just astonish you.

1. PorkPork is the culinary name for meat from the domestic pig, which is eaten in many countries. The word pork denotes specifically the fresh meat of the pig that is left unsalted, but it is often mistakenly used as an all-inclusive term which includes cured, smoked, or processed meats. It is also a common ingredient in sausages. Pork is a terrific source of several vitamins and minerals. Being very rich in Potassium and Thiamine, it helps in water balance and helps maintain normal blood pressure. Without Thiamine, metabolism of carbohydrate, protein and fat would be significantly compromised. Animal protein is one of the best sources of this nutrient, and among the choices, pork is tops.

2. NutsResearch shows that nuts and seeds just might boost your brainpower and balance your moods. That’s right, everything from the most common nuts — such as walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews and almonds — to the more exotic seeds and nuts can clear up that “brain fog” and enable you to think clearer and be happier than you ever imagined. Both figuratively and literally speaking, walnuts are “brain food.” Nuts such as almonds and walnuts are great brain supplements as they contain omega fatty acids that are important in brain function. These nuts also contain high nitric oxide that helps to stimulate healthy blood flow, and any form of healthy blood flow is definitely good for your brain.

3. EggsEaster eggs aren’t just tons of fun for kids to dye: The yolks are packed with the nutrient choline, critical during your child’s first six years to ensure full development of the brain’s memory center. Choline also helps your brain get fired up for high level thinking through increasing neuron firing. The best forms of eggs are the Organic eggs because they contain the highest level of choline.

4. Red berries Red berries, such as raspberries, cherries and strawberries have high quantities of polyphenols that helps in controlling the hormones in your brain. Eating more and more red berries, your hormones will be under control and you can curb your cravings for healthier food.

5. Blue and black berries

To serve a different purpose, blue and black berries are also beneficial. Blue and black berries contain omega fatty acids just as nuts, and can be treated as a replacement of nuts. Be sure to be eating the berries directly rather than consuming blueberry or blackberry juice, as consuming juices will raise your sugar intake to unnatural levels.

Our brains are like any other muscles in our body — we need to use them or we lose them. In this episode on the tips channel Dr Goldman discusses how the brain is vascular, like a mini heart, and as such it has the same requirements; good nutrients, oxygen and hydration. We also need to eat the right foods, as with our bodies fatty, high sugar and unhealthy foods are bad for the brain.
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