Brain Power Versus Computer : Brain Foods

Article by Lena Sanchez

Your brain uses almost 20% of all the oxygen you take into your lungs. Your blood carries the oxygen to your brain. This is why clogged arteries cause memory loss and organizational skills impairment. Today’s society is a fast food society and fast foods are basically void of nutrients and full of artery clogging fats.You hear a great deal these days about information processing – usually has “new age technology” tacked onto the end of it usually referring to the revolution that has occurred using computers to communicate. Communication is a very important part of life, whether it be a husband to wife or parent to child, company to employees, clients to customers it still remains the most important thing we need to do. The computer does not hold that power only as a tool for long distance communication. The real true communicator is – The “Brain” and it’s power may still be compared to computers as we know them but the brain is a much older and definitely more powerful form of information processing and communication. Our brain is of the utmost importance in our lives and without it working up to par you are a either a vegetable or retarded.When growing up (in the olden day as my children and grandchildren call it), there was no such thing as a computer, calculator, TV etc.. We communicated by talking to each other, writing, playing games and visiting others while really communicating and socializing. Learning about each other.Even though we may still compare our brain to our computer there is a vast difference in what we actually process in our brain and in our computer but not so different really. Because the nutrition put into our brain is equivalent to the electrical current put into our computers that makes them work. Without the electrical current being completed the computer won’t work