
Short Term Memory : Understanding Computer Memory

Article by Michael Freeman

Understanding Computer Memory – Computers – Hardware

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Computer memory might be one of the more commonly purchased items among end users, but that doesn’t mean that its’ exact role is clear to most individuals. Quite often, users confuse memory with hard drive space, processing power and other aspects by which a machine… Continue reading

Brain Power Versus Computer : Brain Foods

Article by Lena Sanchez

Your brain uses almost 20% of all the oxygen you take into your lungs. Your blood carries the oxygen to your brain. This is why clogged arteries cause memory loss and organizational skills impairment. Today’s society is a fast food society and fast foods are basically void of nutrients and full of artery clogging fats.You hear a great deal these days about information processing – usually has “new age technology” tacked onto the end of it… Continue reading

Dr Kawashima’s Brain Training – How Old is Your Brain? (Nintendo DS) : Brain Training

Article by John Milligan

The game, Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day is with us after being inspired by a book written by Professor Ryuta Kawashima, (hence the name, Dr Kawashima’s Brain Training) a prominent Japanese neurologist. Any good though?

Brain Training is already proving to be a great success even though it’s not your typical game seeing as there are no princesses to rescue from a castle, no cars to steal or aliens to hunt and… Continue reading

Learn Brain Training on Computers : Brain Training

Article by Jared Baumgardner

You might have the belief that not everyone can be a genius, but this is a myth. Everybody, including you, has the ability to harness the true power of your brain and become a genius. All you need to do, is train it. Since technology is constantly improving, you can now learn brain training on your personal computer. Learning brain training on a computer is very convenient because you can do it from home, and at… Continue reading

How to Challenge, Exercise and Feed Your Brain : Brain Foods

Article by Dr. Lorne S. Label, Brain Longevity Center

Just like the rest of your body, your brain needs to be well-cared for in order to function at its highest level. For example, your memory will be sharper if you practice a daily regimen that includes a challenging cognitive workout. Your body and your brain will both benefit from a varied exercise routine. And, if you incorporate good nutritional habits, this also helps the brain to flourish.

Here are some… Continue reading

How a Subliminal MP3 Can Change Your Life : Subliminal MP3

Article by Gregory Frost

We all know what an Mp3 is. It is the music file format that revolutionised the world of digital music and it can be seen everywhere. It is also the most favoured format for audiophiles all over the world and for good reason. For its tiny size (more or less 3 megabytes for a song), it can pack in a high quality CD track. This means that a normal CD of 1 to 15 tracks will… Continue reading