
Learn Brain Training on Computers : Brain Training

Article by Jared Baumgardner

You might have the belief that not everyone can be a genius, but this is a myth. Everybody, including you, has the ability to harness the true power of your brain and become a genius. All you need to do, is train it. Since technology is constantly improving, you can now learn brain training on your personal computer. Learning brain training on a computer is very convenient because you can do it from home, and at… Continue reading

Photographic Memory : What If You Could Have A Memory Of A Genius?

Article by Revu Moz

Being smart means so much. With a genius mind, learning is a piece of cake. Whether you’re solving mathematics problems or facing an actual situation requiring a presence of mind, things become handy for you if you have the brains.

It’s a good thing that genius is not a genetic trait inherited from the parents. This signifies intelligence depends on our own doings. If you think and act smart, you’ll be smart. We can train our… Continue reading

Photographic Memory – Children Born Genius! : Photographic Memory


Article by Shannon Panzo

Photographic Memory – Children Born Genius!(The Photographic Memory is also known as the ‘Eidetic Memory’.)

I feel that I have a responsibility to reveal certain secrets to you here at MIND to MIND. Secrets that hold you back from your success.Have you ever wondered about the photographic memory?What would you think if I told you that you were born with a photographic memory?

Some people carry over the photographic memory into adulthood. If you… Continue reading