Develop A Photographic Memory : Photographic Memory

Article by Brain Boy

Your Photographic Memory

Your Photographic Memory really just consists of lots different pieces of a big puzzle.

And just like any puzzle it needs to be put together in order to see the over all picture form, and for it take full shape.

You know all the things have heard, done, said, or seen, well they are all the pieces to the puzzle.

All these pieces are stored in your mind. When we are able to put all the pieces of the puzzle together then we are using the muscles in our brain correctly. You are now using your memory and in fact if you continue to use your memory, you are on your way to a Photographic MemorySo lets get started……

When you start a puzzle, what is normally one of the first steps?

I usually start by placing all similar colors together? Maybe similar shapes together, then borders/corners together etc