Feed Your Mind With Brain Food

You control what you fill your mind with; doesn’t it make sense to put great information in it? It’s just like having a high performance vehicle and running high octane fuel. 

Put the best quality information you can find in your mind and get the best quality results.
Continually learn something new each and every day. You’ve heard the saying, “Knowledge is Power” so take time to become more knowledgeable. Find subjects that provide value for you personally and professionally. 
I have such an incredible thirst for knowledge; I can’t seem to get enough. I read 3-5 books per month, sometimes per week! Whenever I’m driving my car, cleaning my house or working out, I’m listening to an audio book or a recorded seminar.
I also attend between 3-5 conferences or seminars every year to expand my knowledge and improve myself and what I can help others with.
The more variety of information, the more support you can offer. The how-to genre has increased tremendously over the past few years and seems to be continually rising.
Now, more than ever you need to know more than your competition to stay ahead of your industry.
Even after you finish college, learning should never end if you want to succeed.
I love visiting the library and waiting for just the right book to pop off the shelf.  I believe that you’ll be drawn to just the right book for the right information you need.
Forget spending time watching TV, open a good book and read a few pages. Learn a little bit about everything and you’ll eventually be a walking encyclopedia!

Darlene Willman, aka The Sassy Networker, is a keynote speaker, author and coach, specializing in small business networking and referrals. She provides resources, connections and support to entrepreneurs, small business owners and other professionals that have a strong desire to promote their companies through relationship marketing. She will show you how to build an incredible network of people who refer business to each other plus so much more. You can start receiving her eZine, The Networking Focus (a value) by visiting http://www.SassyNetworker.com.

Boosting brainpower and performing at your best is as simple as snacking on the right nutrient-rich foods. Find out what they are! dietfitness.healthguru.com
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Brain Foods