Foods Improve Memory: Eat Up, Perk Up! : Brain Foods

Article by Randy S.Jenkins

The interplay of varying aspects creates the tools to achieving optimal brain function. Lifestyle, chemicals, and nutrition all play a vital role in keeping the brain’s cognitive functions up and going. Various foods improve memory and choices are readily available to supply the body with vital nutrients, minerals and substances which aid in proper brain function and boost memory.

One of the most basic needs of the brain for optimal functioning is adequate amounts of water. Brain particles are made up of approximately 80% water. Sufficient amounts are important for faster and more efficient nerve transmission, which maintains the integrity of brain networks. Faster nerve impulse transmission through healthy networks means faster memory storage and efficient recall.

Carbohydrate sources like rice, bread, pasta cereal as well as grain, nuts, fruits and vegetables are indispensable in improving memory. Carbohydrate-rich foods are sources of sucrose which is considered “brain food.” Sucrose is a simple sugar which serves as the fuel to provide the brain with the energy to perform its cognitive functions efficiently.

Also on the list of memory-friendly foods is fish. Various types of fish, especially “fatty fish,” offer rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Fatty or oily fish from the sea such as tuna, mackerel, sardines, trout and halibut contain these good fats which are essential to a person’s healthy diet. Omega-3 fatty acids always earn a spot on the list of foods that enhance memory, recall, concentration and other cognitive abilities such as reasoning. Omega-3 fatty acids are also recommended for pregnant and lactating mothers for their babies’ proper brain functioning. These nutrients are further associated with a lower risk for Alzheimer’s disease.

Fruits and vegetables in general contain huge amounts of antioxidants. Antioxidants provide the means for the brain to have better memory functioning by protecting it from deterioration. The primary cell antioxidant glutathione works with other types of antioxidants to support brain function and improve memory. Another antioxidant known as NAC is said to lower levels of beta-amyloid (an LDL cholesterol), which is known to cause Alzheimer’s disease. Antioxidants form a system which directly or indirectly protects nerves, thus promoting optimal brain functioning. Food sources of protein such as meat, milk and eggs also play an important role in the interplay of chemical systems for increased brain functionality. Protein-rich foods contain ample amounts of amino acids which are the building blocks of brain tissue. Adequate amounts of amino acids provide the brain with energy and boost and stimulate brain function.

An indispensable tool for an individual’s day-to-day survival is a sharp memory. This is the ability to store, retain, retrieve and process information or experiences. For this reason alone, people try their best to keep their brains in top shape and their memories at their sharpest. To be able to achieve this, individuals resort to various strategies to maintain, if not improve, their memory while negating the impact of aging upon it. These include memorization techniques, mind exercises and memory games, among others. Certain products like drug preparations are out in the market, promising to improve memory functions. Other options include self-help articles and e-books which provide comprehensive information and tips on memory optimization.

One such e-book is “Memory Improvement Made Easy.” This provides an instant access to a rich collection of up-to-date and cutting-edge information on ways to exercise your brain and keep your memory faster and sharper. “Memory Improvement Made Easy” provides the most current memory enhancement information and specific tips based on research, including tricks to memorization, mind gym exercises, and a list of foods that improve memory. The e-book seeks to provide the most updated, complete, practical and easy-to-follow information on memory enhancement. It is undeniably risk-free and even comes with a free online mini-course as well as a 60-day money-back guarantee.

In this article Randy answers some questions on foods to improve memory. For a email mini course visit

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