How Do You Improve Memory Making Simple Behavioral Modifications? : Memory Exercises

Article by William T. Morgan

Improve your memory by making a few there simply changes in your behavior. Creating a brain healthy lifestyle can substantially improve brain function, and improve your memory. Modifying your behavior you can also reduce the risk of age-related memory loss.

Everyone experiences memory lapses; we sometimes call them senior moments. If you are experiencing memory loss and becoming noticeably forgetful. It is encouraging to know that you have the power to minimize its severity. As with any behavioral change you are in total control you have the power to take positive steps to reduce the chances of ever developing Alzheimer’s disease.

Your behavior greatly influences the vitality of your brain and your memory. You control how you respond to stress, the foods that you eat, and the amount of sleep you get. Your challenge is to focus on everything that you can control, and do everything you can to take care your mind and your memory. You can start to build a strong healthy brain at an any age and build brain reserves to help guard against Alzheimer’s disease and other brain disorders.

Scientific evidence is clear that behavioral changes at any age can help to starve off brain disorders. Making modest lifestyle adjustment in your diet and exercise can make a huge difference in maintaining a healthy brain and body. There are simple things you can do every day to keep your brain healthy and functioning at its peak at any age.

Exercise the brain, just as you can bulk up the muscles in your body you can enlarge and strength specific regions of your brain. It may be difficult to believe, but moderate physical exercise such as walking just 30 minutes a day, a few times a week increases the blood flow to the brain. The additional oxygen rich blood can help enlarge the frontal lobe and add some new memory recording neurons to help improve your memory.

Exercise from the neck up:The older you get the more susceptible you are to brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s. This is a great reason to build a reserve of brain cells, at any age by just being active. Leisurely activities such as: reading, playing a musical instrument, learning a new language, doing crossword puzzles. and participating in group discussions are excellent ways to improve brain function. All these activities can lower your risk of Alzheimer’s. The more you use your intellect capacity the less likely you are to lose it.

What You Eat Affects How You Think and RememberHave you ever noticed when you skip a meal or are hungry you become irritable and grouchy. Or maybe you just have difficulty concentrating? This is your brains warning light, telling you its running on empty and needs to be fed.

The brain operates on a constant supply of sugar (glucose) this is how it keeps you alert and able to think and remember. Daily nutrition by supplying you with essential fats and amino acids of vitamins and minerals and antioxidants are contained in the food we eat. The foods your brain requires to improve your memory are similar to the foods your heart needs to keep functioning properly.

Stress can damage MemoriesHigh levels of stress are unhealthy and have been shown to impair memory. Your attitude is key when dealing with stress. We all have stress in our lives. Stress is a mind game and you are in control of how you approach the stressful situations in you life. If you truly want to improve your memory, you will have to control your stress.

To get a more detailed look at the behavioral changes you can do to improve your memory and receive my free memory improvement mini course where you can learn many new easy to use memory tips visit: http://www.thememorysite.comRegardsWilliam