Increase Your Brain Power By Listening To Music : Brain Power

Article by Erin Matlock

Most people like to relax and pass the time doing activities such as watching TV, listening to music, gardening, traveling, and reading. Of all these activities, probably reading and listening to music are the two that stimulate your brain the most. Reading naturally stimulates your mind since it exposes you to new thoughts and ideas. Listening to music also stimulates your mind and can be a great way to boost your brain power.

Watching television is a passive exercise. A study performed by the JPB Creative Laboratory showed that while watching TV, you often let things slip by and don’t think about what you’re seeing. On the other hand, research has shown that listening to music while exercising not only improves your mood, but it may also boost cognitive levels.

An example of this cognitive increase was seen in higher scores among cardiac rehabilitation patients on verbal fluency tests. The study looked at the effects of music combined with short-term exercise and found that people diagnosed with coronary artery disease had enhanced brainpower after listening to music while exercising

Aside from listening to music while exercising, you also can increase your brainpower by listening to music as a form of sound therapy. This type of therapy is also known as brain wave entrainment or sound healing. The tones and type of music are specifically designed to guide the listener into the deep mental state of Theta, where brain waves oscillate between four and seven cycles per second. In this state, the brain is self-focused. Recently, several lab experiments using sound therapy have indicated that this type of therapy enhanced memory, improved the immune system and brain functionality, resulted in faster recovery from pain, and improved sleep patterns.

According to another experiment conducted in California, subjects who sat through a music session experienced enhanced verbal fluency at a rate more than double that of people who were just left in a quiet room.

Listening to music enhances your well-being both physically and mentally. Explore the research on this subject, and you’ll soon learn that music offers many benefits. So find your own musical favorites and start listening. You’ll be doing yourself a big favor.

Erin Matlock is the Editor in Chief of the popular brain fitness site – Brain Training 101. Visit today to grab your free copy of the brain training guide: Use It Or Lose It – 17 Ways To Get Your Brain In Tip Top Shape And Keep It There.

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