Memory Enhancement | How to Improve your Memory

Memory is a process of retaining, storing and recalling experiences, and it is closely associated with learning. Thought learning, knowledge is acquired, and through memory this knowledge is made available. There are different types of memory, temporary or short term, which is stored for a very short period of time in the brain- a millisecond to a few minutes, and permanent or long term, which is more lasting.

Supporting factors to promote mental function and enhance memory

In order to enhance memory, optimum mental functioning must be promoted. Optimum mental functioning requires mental stimulation, proper nutrition, social interaction and support, breathing and relaxation, water intake, physical exercise, rest and sleep. Some medications can cause memory problems, so special care should be taken to identify if this is a side effect of any of your medications, and if so to discuss this with your health care provider should memory problems develop. The following provides more information on specific areas to address for promoting mental function and enhancing memory.

Learn/Do Something New

The brain can absorb new data, make new connections, and acquire new skills, which helps to enhance memory. To take on new things you need to believe that you can deal with the specific activity or problem and that you will have reasonable success. You can improve cognitive functioning with training that focuses on learning how to draw conclusions from a set of facts, or identifying relationships between different shapes.

Guided imagery can also help to stimulate the braing.

In guided imagery one must be mindful of their breathing, using their breath to help them relax into this practice. Through guided imagery a pleasant experience is brought into the mind’s eye. Through the senses all the dimensions of the experience are recalled into our memory. Visualizing all the dimensions of the experience, the sight, smell, sounds, and feelings, not only helps to produce a feeling of well being, it sharpens the memory by recalling an experience and revisiting its sensory details.

Social Interaction and Support

Humans require positive meaningful interactions with other humans. Lack of stimulation from these types of interactions can lead to depression and cause memory problems. Unfortunately not all human interactions are of this nature. In addition to your routine interactions seek out those with whom you can have positive and meaningful interactions.


Eating a well balanced diet is essential for healthy aging. Within a well balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, bread and cereal, the vitamins that support our memory (folic acid, B12, and thiamin) will be available.

Breathing & Relaxation

Breathing is good, it is essential to life. We can use breathing to calm ourselves. Focusing on your breathing can help to reduce tension and nervousness, which can inhibit our ability to pay attention and can interfere with memory.


Water is an essential element for humans to exist, it also helps to promote memory. Not enough water can lead to dehydration, which can cause confusion and problems with memory.

Physical Exercise

The mind-body connection is real. Physical exercise can promote mental alertness and healthy aging. Exercise comes in many different forms. Finding what is best for you and fits with your lifestyle is critical to making it part of routine activities. The keys to physical exercise is that it must be safe for you, be something that you enjoy doing, and you must do it regularly several times a week. Before beginning any exercise program you should consult your health care provider.

For more useful information visit Brahmi to Increase Memory and AshwagandhaBenefits at

Memory Exercises