Subliminal Mp3s – What are they and do they work? : Subliminal MP3

Article by Patrick Fitz-Gibbon

There has been lots controversy recently on the topic of subliminal messages and there is still a lot of mystery around the subject.

Subliminal messages are a form of mild self hypnosis that works by sending positive affirmations into you sub conscious mind. You will not actually hear the subliminal message and you are not supposed to. You see 10% of your brain is made up of the conscious mind and the rest is sub conscious. So really when you are making every day decisions you are only using 10% of your brain.

Now if you can tune in to the rest of your brain, the sub conscious part which is 90% then you can see the power of this can’t you? The messages you are receiving are getting into the larger part of your consciousness, therefore having a deeper meaning than if you were using just your normal everyday 10%.?

Say you wanted to stop smoking. Well normally you would think yes I want to stop smoking and I will start tomorrow and I will throw out my cigarettes etc. By doing that and saying that to yourself, you are only using your conscious mind which equates to 10% so the results are going to be somewhat limited to say the least.

Now if you decided. I am going to use subliminal messaging as a form of stop smoking hypnosis and you found a hypnosis download and listened to it, you will now be using 100% of your brain to stop smoking. The results are only going to be more powerful!

The opportunities for this are limitless. For example if you were to use subliminals for self hypnosis weight loss imagine the information you need to lose weight gets into 10% of your brain AND the 90% that is not normally used? So 100% is going into you losing weight! Weight loss hypnosis is becoming increasingly popular amongst all types of people including celebrities and politicians. Try it you will be amazed at the results.

The great thing about subliminal Mp3 is that you can listen anywhere, anytime. You don’t need to be in a quiet room tucked away for an hour. You can listen while you work or whilst you are travelling and even while you sleep! Because although it is a form of hypnosis it is very mild, so mild in fact you won’t even realize it. Whereas more traditional methods of hypnosis can send you into a deep trance like state a message that is subliminal will allow you to carry on with your everyday tasks and not interrupt your patterns or affect you in any way!

If you need to make positive, long lasting changes in you life in whatever area, then you can! There is not only weight loss hypnosis there are thousands of hypnosis downloads for you to choose from, so whatever area in your life needs changing there is guaranteed to be a subliminal Mp3 to suit you.

Subliminal messages can be an extremely powerful tool in many areas of your life. If you are looking to remedy issues or become more successful in life or even more confident in something then read below for more information.

We will be discussing more on the topic of subliminal messaging  soon and ways in which you can change your life!

If you are interested in how subliminal audio can help you improve your life and you would like to try subliminal audio messages for no cost then check out more information at Subliminal Mp3s

Want to know how to be a success in life? Using subliminal technology to improve yourself and become successful is now possible with’s subliminal technology.

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