Short Term Memory : Piracetam: One ‘Smart’ Drug For a Sharper Memory

Article by Articleapprentice

Among its many other benefits, Piracetam is a pharmaceutical nootropic that helps enhance memory function by stimulating glutamine receptors . Whether you simply have short-term memory, Alzheimer’s, attention deficit disorder or any other condition that affects memory, this “wonder” drug is neuroprotective, which simply means non-toxic.

Simply stated, Piracetam boosts the central nervous system and assists in increasing communication between the left and right hemispheres in the brain, making it more efficient. Many cognitive enhancers can make users jittery and nervous. Piracetam does not have this effect, and side effects are generally very mild.

Who benefits from the use of Piracetam?

Anyone can benefit from the use of this nootropic, even if you have no diagnosed memory condition. For example, you may be someone who occasionally forgets where you placed your keys, or if you locked the door when you left the house. Whether you are simply forgetful on occasion, or have more serious memory problems, this cyclic derivative of gamma amino butyric acid (GABA) is effective for:

Alzheimer’s – Piracetam has been shown in studies to slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s and increase alertness to a great degree.

ADD (Attention deficit disorder) – An improvement in long-term memory and enhanced ability to focus is beneficial for those with ADD, important in a learning environment such as school or college.

Senile dementia – It appears that Piracetam is helpful in improving cognitive function in those who suffer from senile dementia.

Long term memory – There are many people whose short-term memory isn’t the greatest; however, those with long-term memory problems may benefit. It has been shown that this nootropic increases an individual’s ability to remember things.

While the FDA has not approved this “smart drug,” it has been found effective for a number of uses in past years. In fact, a double-blind, placebo-controlled study was conducted on healthy college students who took Piracetam for two weeks; the results concluded that the nootropic did indeed enhance verbal memory. Discovered in 1964 by a Belgian scientist, there are few side effects and users do not have to worry becoming addicted to Piracetam, as it is non-habit forming.

Would you enjoy having a sharper memory? Do you have loved ones who suffer from dementia or Alzheimer’s, or perhaps a child with ADD? The benefits of Piracetam are truly incredible – try it and see for yourself.

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What are the Benefits of using piracetam for studying?

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