Short Term Memory : Depression Affects Memory

Article by Harrisonatlee

Medical researchers and psychiatrists use words like self-focus and cognitive priming which don’t really mean a lot to the layperson. What these studies are concentrating on in simple terms is the impact of depression on memory. Those who have depression in Pittsburgh, PA often discover that depression causes a lot more than just feelings of sadness. It also can impact memory.

When Forgetting Is a Symptom

Every person has 3 types of memory: short-term memory, working memory and long-term memory. You also have a memory retrieval or recall function.

Short term memory – memory that is retained for a short period of time but eventually is lost (which is why you can’t remember what you did last Friday)

Working memory – memory that actually enables your brain to use information or to send processed information to long term memory; it’s a bit like a scanner or processor that collects information, uses it to form a response, solve a problem or transmit a solution and then either discards the answer or stores it for later recall

Long-term memory – memory that endures for a long period of time

When someone is experiencing depression or extreme anxiety in Pittsburgh, PA, the brain is so focused on sadness, feelings of low self-esteem or other negative emotions, that memory is severely impacted. It can make it difficult to handle even small routines that are part of normal daily life which can deepen depression.

Thinking Clearly is Not Possible

Professionals studying and counseling those with depression in Pittsburgh, PA have learned that difficulty with memories is a symptom of a deeper problem in the cognitive process in that the brain literally becomes so overwhelmed with emotions that it affects the ability to think. There may also be physical reasons associated with neural functioning, and that continues to be studied.

Depression can impact all types of memory and the ability to recall. You find you are unable to:

Remember normal repetitive routines Pay attention to what people are saying or what is going on around youConcentrate Retain informationLearn new information Retain new informationRetrieve information once easily recalled like birthday dates

In other words, the depression rules the brain. Since it is ruling, the memories that are recalled may be distorted or only the negative emotions or incidences recalled.

The more difficult it is to recall the memories, the more depression deepens. It can be a never ending cycle that spirals downward.

Recognizing Memory Difficulties as a Symptom of Depression

We tend to think of memory loss as a normal part of aging, but memory loss due to depression is different. It’s different because it creates a situation that perpetuates the depressive state. It’s not a permanent memory loss, but it’s a worrisome symptom that can be self-perpetuating.

If you know someone that seems to have unusual memory loss that is accompanied by other symptoms of depression, then it’s important to encourage the person to seek counseling for depression in Pittsburgh, PA. If you recognize that your memory problems are not typical for someone your age then you can seek help. Inaction is a much bigger problem than temporary loss of short term or long memory.

If you are interested to read more about Anxiety Pittsburgh, PA and Depression Pittsburgh, PA then please visit our website

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