Boost Brain Power Following These Easy Steps : Brain Power

Article by Pat Hunter

Your brain is an incredible machine that is capable of far more than you give it credit for. Like any other muscle, the brain needs regular exercise to help it grow and function more effectively.

Here are a few effective steps to get you started on increasing your brain power:

Reduce your sugar intake. The sugar in your body causes insulin to flow through your blood stream to offset the effect of the sugar. This can cloud your thoughts and make it more difficult to think clearly.Exercise. Regular exercise is just as good for your brain as it is for the rest of your body. Even just a few minutes a day of getting the blood pumping is enough to improve brain functioning.Eat antioxidant rich food. Antioxidants play a major role in protecting the body’s cells, including brain cells. Foods high in antioxidants include many types of fruit and vegetables, such as, grapefruit, pineapple, berries, spinach, red cabbage, and Brussels sprouts. Take multi-vitamin tablets. It’s often difficult for most people to stick to a balanced diet, so taking a multi-vitamin tablet daily will help your brain, as well as body, receive those vital vitamins and nutrients it requires.Listen to classical music. Studies have shown that listening to classical music whilst studying can improve a student’s exam results. Some expectant mothers have also been known to play a bit of Mozart to their child whilst it grows in the womb!Engage your brain. It makes sense that to develop your brain requires using it. Exercise the brain by regularly giving it a mental workout. This could be any number of challenges, such as learning a new language, taking evening classes, or even just doing the daily crossword puzzle. Relax. Modern life is hectic, which can make it difficult to think straight at times. Making time to relax, whether that be soaking in the bath, listening to music or sitting in the park will help clear your thoughts. It is also vitally important to get plenty of quality sleep, as it will allow the brain to process all the day’s thoughts and recharge itself.

These steps are excellent ways to start increasing your brain’s power, but if you would like to take it even further, visiting Ultimate Brain Power will open up a whole new level of potential.