Eating to Become Smarter – Brain Food : Brain Foods

Article by Jeremy Wong

So, you want to become smarter? Read on.

This is the first of a series of 4 articles at that will explain almost everything you will want to know about improving your IQ and becoming smarter, just by changing your diet – let’s begin.

Food is as important to the brain as it is to any other organ in your body – it has its own nutritional needs and like the other organs, it will not function to its maximum potential if you don’t give it enough of what it wants and needs.

In fact, eating the right foods can actually boost your IQ level, make you think sharper, smarter and even make you happier – and it has all been scientifically proven. Most people probably do not eat the right foods, and therefore, their brains are never at their optimal state, which is why you will probably stand out above the rest if you do it. And it is not that hard, really. I will tell you how you can go about eating properly to achieve this.

Some of the benefits from eating the right brain foods are: * Increased IQ * Improved mood * Emotional stability * Improved memory * Ability to think faster * Better ability to concentrate * Coordination and balance

As you can see, foods can be EXTREMELY beneficial for our brain and just imagine being able to do things you couldn’t do before, just by changing your diet!

Let’s move on first to how water can benefit the brain and make you smarter.

The three main components for this are water, nutritious food and oxygen. Let’s start with water.

Drinking to Become Smarter

Water makes up a huge percentage of our blood, which is the key carrier of nutrients and oxygen to our brain – and it’s no wonder drinking enough water has tremendous benefits on our brain. It is essential for concentration and mental alertness, so you should start drinking your water.

Most of us are chronically dehydrated, which means our bodies are constantly lacking water. All it takes is mild dehydration and the brain’s thinking abilities is reduced by a whopping 30%.

The solution?

Drink water consistently throughout the day. Pick up your glass of water once every hour.

To learn more ways on how to increase your brain’s power and IQ, visit, the ultimate resource to becoming smarter.

Copyright 2007 Jeremy Wong. All Rights Reserved.

An enthusiast in brain power, Jeremy has spent a lot of his time researching on the brain to come up with solutions and methods to maximizing the brain’s abilities.

He is the owner of, a website that is dedicated to providing you with easy-to-understand methods on how to make yourself smarter and more intelligent.

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