Article by Hot Mumma

CONQUER THE ITALIAN LANGUAGE – Technology – Communication

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“Buongiorno everyone!”

Are you planning a fabulous holiday to Italy and you would like to learn their language?

Do you have Italians living nearby that you would love to impress with your ability to speak their language?

Maybe you are marrying into an Italian family and need to know what those in-laws-to-be are really saying about you!

Or maybe you have just always wanted to learn the most romantic language in the world! Italian!

The thing I love about Italian is that it is not unlike English in its spelling and pronounciation of words. When you are learning German, French or Japanese you are really starting from scratch as most of their words are completely different to ours!

Before I travelled overseas, I decided to be fluent in at least one language so that it made it easier in one country for me! I learnt French at school and had a vague memory of the language – so I didn’t feel I needed to relearn that one… but I have always had an underlying love for the sound of the Italian language when it’s spoken!

So off I went to Italian classes one night a week for 10 weeks! I would have to drive to the local high school and sit in an uncomfortable chair in the freezing night air to learn this beautiful language! Well, thank God for computers and the internet! Now you can learn anything you want in the comfort of your own home and at any time that is convenient for you!

And you can learn and conquer a language so much easier now. It has been discovered how the brain actually takes in new information better – when I learnt Italian – I had the chunky text book in front of me and the teacher would write away on the chalkboard! Boring and tedious!

Now you can learn Italian or any language with just 20 minutes each day by playing games! Most of us think that people who learn a new language with ease possess linguistic talents and are fast learners. But the truth is that talents have very little to do with how well an individual is able to grasp a new language!

To learn ANY new language… you need a foolproof way of remembering the most commonly used words like the back of your hand! Language experts recently found that as much as 50% of all everyday conversations in Italian (or in any other language for that matter) consists of not more than 1000 words.

Now let’s think about this for a moment… If you have a way of magically imprinting 1000 most commonly used Italian words in your mind, and be able to use them anytime, anywhere and in any context…

How will it change the way you speak Italian?


* You’ll no longer have problems finding the right word to use!

* You’ll no longer struggle just to start or hold a basic conversation!

* You’ll find learning Italian to be an enjoyable experience, not the bore it used to be!

You’ll be able to make new friends, broaden your perspective and even impress others with your newfound language skills!

The brain is most receptive and best suited for learning when it is in a highly relaxed state. Playing Italian Matching Games allows you to match up to 25 random pairs of Italian and English phrases at any one time, generated from a database of 1000 most commonly used words.

The world around us is commonly represented in 3 forms… words, visuals and numbers. In order to develop a photographic memory that works well in a real life setting, you’ll need to quickly form associations between words, visuals and numbers using various memory techniques.

You can simply play a flash card memory game for as little as 5 to 15 minutes daily, or whenever you feel like it. Through the engaging format of a scoring game, your brain is actually strengthening the kind of associations it can make between words, visuals and numbers…

… and where does this lead to? A proficient speaker of Italian! You will have conquered the Italian language with ease! You will be chatting away to the locals in Rome before you know it!

Think of all those attractive Italians of the opposite sex just waiting to meet you… Think of strolling through the vineyards in the country side of Italy… Imagine being in a little Italian restaurant on the piazza and you know what you have ordered because you can read the menu!

If you would love to be fluent and confident in Italian you can check out the link below:

It is a simple surefire way of learning Italian that associates words, pictures and numbers so that you will be speaking fluent Italian before that plane takes off the tarmac! Ciao!

About the Author

Imagine cruising on a gondola in Venice and you can hear and understand all the Italians chatting around you… This is the most romantic and easy language to learn! To try it out, click below:

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Hot Mumma

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Imagine cruising on a gondola in Venice and you can hear and understand all the Italians chatting around you… This is the most romantic and easy language to learn! To try it out, click below:

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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