Short Term Memory Techniques
The amazing thing about your brain is that it takes in, processes and remembers everything it sees and thinks about. Just think of the information stored away in your brain after all the things you have experienced in your life. They are all in there! However as you also know it is not so easy to bring them out again. Just imagine your eyes, ears, fingers, taste buds and nose being little recording devices and recoding everything as you experience it. Then the film it is all being recorded onto being piled willynilly into a big box sitting at the back of the room. That is what happens with the great majority of the experienced information you take in during a day. It is as if your memory is a series of files with some very neatly kept ones with good labels and pegs on it that the information is organised into, then some ones which might be a little cluttered and not quite organised but it is still possible to find things if you look hard enough and then the great boxes full of files that are completely jumbled up and random and even hard searching would not be able to find what you wanted in there.
So the key ,of course, is organisation. And to help you do that there are a series of really useful lists that you can use to link your new information to. We have already got one very helpful in one in the form of the 1 to 10 list. Here are another couple that will help you power up your short term memory by giving you ‘labels’ for your files!
Think of your body. You know it well and it can provide you with a great list of pegs that you can easily access to link new information to by creating vivid, silly pictures making one new thing attach to each known thing. For example, run through your body and see how we can form the Body List.
2. Knees
3. Buttocks
4. Love handles
5. Shoulders
6. Arms
7. Fingers
8. Collar
9. Face
10. Hair
Easy wasn’t it? You now have this list to hand to link to anything new.
Next here is another way to make a list you can have in the back of your mind when you want to perform some memorisation on new information. This involves thinking about rooms you know well and assigning different items in each room to be the hooks to create your Room List. Here we go with an example:
Room 1 – Kitchen
Rubbish bin
Room 2 Lounge
And so on…. you can have as many rooms as you like.
What you have to do now is to keep going over these lists so that they are automatic in the way that your 1 to 10 list is now automatic. These will be even easier to remember because they are based on things you know really well and form a natural order (hint; when you are making your room lists anchor them by using your own kitchen/lounge/bathroom layout so start at the door – what do you see first, then second, then third….) This means that your Room list might have a different order to someone else’s but that doesn’t matter. It needs to be in the order that works for you. Make sure you keep going over the lists to the stage where you can call them all out by name. Once you have that done you can start playing about with new information by linking it to these and see what works best for you.
We are a team of experienced experts in the field of psychology,brain based learning,positive mental health and for short term memory techniques. We are committed to bringing the highest quality information on these topics to the public. We want to help to make a positive difference to the quality of life and level of well being for everyone who wants it.
Video: Short Term Memory

A short-term memory test my friends and I designed for school. Hope you like it. If it helps you out make sure to like and favorite, and subscribe to my chan…
Video Rating: 3 / 5
Ontario, CA (PRWEB) October 24, 2013
Dario Franchitti, the race car driver involved in a serious accident at the Grand Prix of Houston on October 6, is set to return to racing next year. According to USA Today, Dario Franchitti underwent a second surgery on his right ankle recently and was released from Memorial-Hermann Texas Medical Center on October 10. (, Dario Franchitti has second surgery on his right ankle, October 14, 2013) Franchitti also suffered two broken vertebrae, a broken right ankle and a concussion in the crash that sent his car airborne and into a catchfence.
While the headlines surrounding Franchitti are now focused on his rekindled relationship with his estranged wife Ashley Judd (US, Ashley Judd going to give it another try with estranged husband Dario Franchitti, October 20, 2013), theres a less-talked about issue still lingering: how will Franchitti protect himself should long-term or unseen permanent side effects keep him from racing ever again?
His recovery is looking great right now. Everyone is reporting he will get back to racing next year and I hope thats true. I also hope that this accident is a wakeup call to his financial lifeline just as much as it was a wakeup call for his marriage. No one is invincible and for pro athletes, their window for making big money is very short. Franchitti is now 40 and in a different financial situation than a 20-year-old newbie. What would happen to a 20-year-old race car driver in their first season who suffers a crash like Franchittis and isnt so lucky? Disability insurance must become a top priority for pro athletes, says Frank N. Darras, disability lawyer to the pros.
Pro athletes have a limited time to save enough money to support themselves and their family for a lifetime. Its true they have other lucrative options after playing pro sports, certainly more than the rest of us, but that money wont be nearly as much as they make during their time in pro sports. The younger they are, the more risk they face. A young first-time pro athlete could lose it all in one play or accident and thats certainly not enough money to last a lifetime.
A private own-occupation disability insurance policy will protect pro players, in their first season or last. It will pay them a monthly disability benefit if they are no longer able to perform the essential duties of their occupation. For a race car driver like Franchitti, this means no longer having the arm or leg movement to be able to drive a car at tip-top-speed.
Whether a race car driver or a star NFL quarterback, an own occupation disability policy protects the income that goes along with their lifestyle and current occupation. Players often dont know where to start with these policies and can get themselves into trouble. Thats why its a good idea to consult with an experienced top disability insurance lawyer who can navigate the fine print of these pro athlete disability contracts and forewarn of insurance loopholes, says Darras.