Vitamins : Vitamin Deficiency Hair Loss

Article by Adam James

Vitamin Deficiency Hair Loss – Health – Hair Loss

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If establish that you have a B12 vitamin deficiency and this is causing you to lose hair then you will need to change your diet to preferably organic foods to help boost your intake of nutritious foods to help avoid hair fall. If you are experiencing Vitamin Deficiency you may be feeling symptoms this is your body’s way of telling you that it is low in B12 vitamin. Vitamin D deficiency leads to so many diseases and health problems and vitamin D3 can offer many important benefits that can help so it would be wise to take a daily vitamin D3 supplement to help your chances of preventing hair loss or stops you from going bald completely.

B vitamins deficiency results in slow hair growth, damaged hair, shedding and overall loss of your hair. This is not to say that vitamin D deficiency does not bring about hair fall, merely that if the research has determined that the former precedes the latter, I have not seen any evidence or proof despite actively searching for it over the years. There is insufficient evidence at this point of time that is linking vitamin D deficiency to hair loss and premature balding in men. To best of my knowledge, there is no link between Vitamin Deficiency Hair Loss and hair loss and vitamin D deficiency.

DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS: Acne, decreased learning ability, delayed sexual maturity,weak nails, eczema, fatigue, loss of smell and taste, no appetite, poor memory, slow wound healing, retarded growth, skin problems,poor circulation splitting hair, sterility, problems with prostate gland function, and immune system, and also liver damage, acne, anemia, bad breath, high cholesterol, constipation, depression, digestive disturbances, fatigue, dry hair or hair falling out, hypertension, insomnia, painful muscles in legs, nervousness, dry and rough skin.

Individuals need to include all the essential vitamins in a balanced diet as it helps to prevent Vitamin Deficiency hair loss. Not having enough of certain vitamins will cause a number of the health conditions stated in the list above this also includes Vitamin Deficiency hair fall. What could possibly be making this deficiency hair loss to happen? Vitamin Deficiency Hair Loss can be caused by so many different things including stress, surgery, from childbirth and from the hormonal changes, illness and pollution as well as vitamin deficiencies. Taking vitamins for Vitamin Deficiency Hair Loss can helps in the hair regrowth of the hair loss or baldness. It also may be from the result of lack of Biotin this is also known as Vitamin H. This is thought to help prevent hair fall and prevents hair from turning gray. Toxic levels of vitamin A can be associated with abdominal pain, amenorrhea, enlargement of the liver and spleen, gastrointestinal problems, cause of hair fall, itching, joints in pain, having nausea and vomiting, water on the brain, and small cracks with scales on the lips and around the corners of the mouth.

People sometimes take for granted the health of their bodies and neglect these important vitamins and minerals, so when there is a deficiency hair fall will occur and many people are not sure what is happening with there hair.

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Adam James

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