Knowing How to Improve Brain Power : Brain Power

Article by Ewin Chia

Almost every person can benefit from learning how to improve brain power. The brain is arguably one of the most powerful tools a human being possesses. From the time of our birth, our brain is responsible for gathering, processing and storing information necessary to us for our continued survival. If evolution states that only the strongest are ensured survival, then it is our brains that have made us the strongest of all. But going beyond basically existing, it is our brains that continually make sense of the world around us. Our brain is not just there to help us survive, it is also there to help us find meaning in our lives. We are doing ourselves and our brains a favor by feeding it what it wants, which is to constantly learn new things.

There are many ways on how to boost brain power. We’ve all heard of how listening to Mozart can increase a person’s intelligence quotient. In truth, only a certain amount of spatial intelligence is increased, and effects of this fades away in a short span of time after listening to Mozart’s compositions. Studies have found that learning how to play music is what’s actually beneficial for boosting a person’s intelligence. Music is one of the greatest things ever invented by man. It’s a different language on its own, marked by notes, pitches and time signatures all being put together in symphony to create, well, music. Without these notes, pitches and time signatures, the general outcome is mere cacophony. The relationship between putting together different elements of music involves spatial-temporal skills, the same skills that we all use in problem solving. Playing music after all, is a complex form of pattern arrangement. Scientists believe that the constant practice of translating these patterns transcends on other tasks involving spatial-temporal skills such as mathematics and learning a new language.

Another process on how to boost brain power is visual mnemonics. This type of learning focuses on using images to help remember new, unfamiliar information. It is a sort of word association based on things that a person is already familiar with. For example, the word firefly is much easier to understand if a person already has knowledge of what a fire and a fly is. Our senses are a gateway to memory and the use of our sense of sight to store and recall information in our brains is more beneficial than just studying for hours on end. The old saying that a picture is worth more than a thousand words certainly rings through when it comes to absorbing information.

Of course the brain won’t actually retain a certain piece of information most of the time simply because our brains are distracted. This is the reason why we are discouraged to drive a car while talking to someone over the phone. We simply cannot function properly when faced with an information overload. For this reason one of most effective ways on how to boost brain power would be to simply pay attention. Learn to disregard information that is currently unrelated to what you’re learning and focus on the relevant information at hand. This will help our brains to function at optimum level, allowing for more meaningful learning.

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