Vitamins : Why Do You Need Vitamin Supplements?

Article by Nick Mutt

Why Do You Need Vitamin Supplements? – Health

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You all know that fruits and vegetables you eat are the natural sources of vitamins, minerals and nutrients then – What is the need of a vitamin supplement? With the pace of time lifestyle of the people are rapidly changing. Poor food choices, processed foods, sodas and excess sweets have become the norm for millions. Besides, even with a well-balanced diet, studies find that food nutrient values have been declining for decades because of soil depletion. So it is very essential today to choose a right vitamin supplement to fill the nutritional gap that arises due to improper diet.

Some Common Vitamin Supplements

* Vitamin A Supplements: It helps to maintain healthy vision, keep your skin healthy and boost your immune system. In simpler terms, this vitamin keeps your skin healthy, protects against wrinkles and acne and helps fight off infections and other unwanted diseases.

* Vitamin B12 Supplements: It helps to enhances muscle strength, provides energy and helps your nerves function properly. Insufficient amounts of vitamin B12 can lead to health complications such as fatigue, weak muscles and severe depression.

* Vitamin C Supplements: It serves a number of purposes including healing wounds, boosting your immune system, protecting artery linings and preventing cataracts.

* Vitamin D Supplements: It is helpful for babies who are breastfed since breastfeeding does not provide adequate amounts of this vitamin. Vitamin D has also been known to help fight osteoporosis.

* Vitamin E Supplements: It helps protect against heart disease and some forms of cancer. It also boosts the immune system and helps in healing injuries and wounds. Some studies prove that this vitamin also helps boost the immune system of elderly people.

* Vitamin K Supplements: It strengthens bones and is known to help fight osteoporosis.

So a right vitamin supplement can help you to attain a better health and energy, freedom from illness, improved sexual vigor and slowing the aging process.

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.
