Better Vision for Greater Memory : Memory Exercises

Article by Victor Alemán

To keep the memory sharp, it is important to maintain vision. Relaxation is the key to maintain vision for many years. Vision and mental focus go hand in hand and both don’t do well with strain and stress. Relaxation and inner peace is important in remembering things. All these things rely on each other to work properly.A great way to test the condition of the eyes is a mental memory exercise. In this exercise, the goal is to maintain a visual image for as long as possible. To start, cover one eye and glance quickly at a letter on the page with the other eye. Close your eyes and hold the image of the letter in your mind as long as possible. Count how many seconds the image stays in your mind before fading away to darkness. Take note of this number. Do the same thing for the other eye and compare the results.Now relax the eyes and try again. One way to relax the eyes is to close them and concentrate only on pleasant thoughts and good memories. Allow your eyes to focus on the darkness and forget everything around you. Open your eyes and try the exercise again. Hopefully the results are different and the image stayed longer the second time around. If not, you may need to find some eye relaxing exercises and work on removing the strain.Vision affects memory. We need the vision to see the image. The more clearly we see the image the more detail we can recall on later. Focusing on the positive events will help keep the mind relaxed and the eyes free of strain.The following exercise will help you relax and improve your memory. Try it tonight. While lying in bed tonight focus on all the positive things that happened throughout the day. Picture the events of the in as much detail and color as possible. Try picturing your lunch or the clothes the person who complimented you was wearing. Focusing on the positive will clear your mind, relax the body, and give you a better night’s sleep.Removing the strain from the eyes will not only improve your vision it will also improve your memory.

Dr William H. Bates was born in 1860 in New Jersey, USA and he died in 1931. He graduated from Cornell University in 1881 and received his medical degree from the College of Physicians and Surgeons in 1885. He established a practice in New York and worked for a time as clinical assistant at the Manhattan Eye and Ear Hospital. He was also a physician at Bellevue Hospital in 1886-88, and at the New York Eye Infirmary, the Northern Dispensary and the North-eastern Dispensary in 1886-96. From 1886-1891 he was an instructor in Ophthalmology at the New York Postgraduate Medical School and Hospital.In 1896 Dr Bates gave up his hospital work for several years of research work, coming back to New York as attending physician in the Harlem Hospital from 1907-22.In 1919 he published the only book he ever wrote, “Perfect eyesight without glasses”, where he described all his work on the eye’s functioning.From 1921 – 1931 he published the Journal ‘Better Eyesight’ which comprises a mixture of excerpts from his book and later case notes and other writings.

Bates wondered why people who wore glasses for a while didn’t develop better vision, but tended to need stronger and stronger glasses. After years of experiments Dr Bates proved that the eye is easily trained and that unstrained eyes are unaffected by stress, old age or doing close work.Bates proved that nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism and crossed eye are caused by chronically tense external eye muscles, and that this tension, created by strained mental and physical vision habits acquired during a period of stress, is reversible.The Bates Method has been generally misunderstood and thought of as some sort of ‘eye gymnastics’ designed to supposedly ‘strengthen the eye muscles’. This is completely wrong. Dr Bates based his work on the principle of relaxation to bring about coordination of eye and brain allowing vision to ‘happen’. And also by increasing awareness and perception, whether one is reading a book, using a computer, playing sports or looking at a friend.

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