Brain Training : Free Brain Training That Really Works

If you’re interested in brain training, the first thing that comes to mind is probably video games like Brain Age or Big Brain Academy, or maybe another online program like Lumosity. In fact, probably every brain training method you can think of is probably some sort of product that will set you back a little money. But the fact of the matter is that brain training could be totally free, and even more effective then the paid solutions out there. Without further ado, I present the Ultimate Guide to Free Brain Training.

The first thing to realize is that there are several areas that play key roles in determining your brain fitness and training your brain. I assume that if you’re reading this guide, you already understand the importance of maintaining your brain health, but you’re probably only aware of a very small scope of the matter. Where brain training games fall short is this: they only work on brain exercise. They completely ignore the other three pillars of brain fitness: physical exercise, managing your stress, and proper nutrition.

Let’s take a look at nutrition first. How do you maximize your diet for brain fitness, without spending extra money? Luckily, there’s nothing to worry about missing by not spending money. Supplements that are claimed to improve your memory or brain functioning just don’t work at all. Both DHEA and Ginkgo biloba supplements are sold as antiaging or brain health supplements, and studies by various scientists show that they have no effects whatsoever. However, Omega-3 fatty acids that are found in cold-water fish do seem to improve brain functions and attention. So without spending extra money on supplements, try eating some mackerel, salmon, tuna, or herring for dinner.

Also important to brain fitness is managing your stress. Too much stress will literally burn you out and decrease your brain’s functioning abilities. One fun and free way to keep stress levels low is to stay clued in to your social network. Call a friend, schedule a date, send a letter to a family member. Physical exercise, which is a pillar of brain training in and of itself, will also help lower your stress levels. Another option would be some simple meditation, it’s an incredible tool.

Physical exercise is also a great area to efficiently train your brain. If you participate in a sport like tennis or soccer, you’ll be working your body whilst thinking intensely about the game at hand. On top of all of that, the exercise naturally reduces your stress. That’s 3 of the 4 areas right there! In reality, any basic exercise is good for your brain fitness, but if you play a sport, then that’s the optimal solution. Be sure that your heart is up in your target workout range for 20 minutes at a minimum to consider it a “workout”, and do it at least 3 times a week.

Finally, let’s talk about brain exercise. You don’t need to spend money on video games or computer software or internet subscriptions to get brain exercise. You could do a simple Google search for “brain teasers” and do those. No matter what salesmen will try to tell you, any simple activity that gets you thinking hard and working your mind is brain exercise. Your brain exercise pillar could be fulfilled simply by being really active in life, reading 20 minutes every night, or dedicating yourself to learning a new topic. Brain exercise does not have to be expensive, it just has to be SOMETHING.

That’s it. That’s all you really need. A substitution or two in your diet, a way to reduce your stress (totally free), some physical exercise (also totally free), and simple brain exercise that could be reading, or brain teasers, or just a really invigorating experience. You can max efficiency in your brain training by meditating or playing a sport, all which cover multiple areas at once. And that’s how you can be training your brain and working on mental fitness, all for free. Goodbye, expensive products.

To find out more about free brain training, to read more of the guide, and to read reviews of brain training products and methods, check out our Brain Training Online Blog, BrainTrainingInsider. You’ll find tons of more great guides and articles on brain fitness, and we’ll help you pick the most efficient brain training regimen possible. You can get insider tips on topics like ds brain training games as well. Go ahead and take a look at today, if you’re serious about keeping your brain in shape!

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