
Brain Training: It Works (to Improve Mental Skills) and It Doesn’t (to reduce Brain Age) : Brain Training

Article by Alvaro Fernandez

Copyright (c) 2009 SharpBrains

Researchers from the Mayo Clinic and USC Davis have just announced publication of their IMPACT study at the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. The press release announces:

– “Of the 487 healthy adults over the age of 65 who participated in a randomized controlled trial, half used the Brain Fitness Program for 40 hours over the course of eight weeks. The Brain Fitness Program consists of six audio exercises done on… Continue reading

Brain Training Online: An Overview Of Why It Works : Brain Training

Article by Beth Bernstein

We are experiencing a major cognitive decline here in America. Never mind how old you are, it does not matter. The number of people developing Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease is extremely high and continues to be on the rise. There are eight different types of dementia as indicated by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM- IV).

Today, 5.4 million Americans live with a form of dementia. Of these, 200,000 are under… Continue reading

Which Works Better – Subliminal MP3s or Hypnosis MP3s? : Subliminal MP3

Article by Jonny Morrow

Hypnosis is well recognized as a quite traditional form of personal development, but it is under “assault” from an method of personal development which is reallygrowing in popularity: subliminal messaging

I have used both subliminal mp3s and hypnosis mp3s for many many years, and here are some of my thoughts on both the benefits and drawbacks of each

Hypnosis: A very well known and very much trusted form of personal development. It is really powerful, and… Continue reading

Short Term Memory : Understand How Your Memory Works And Use It For Mental And Physical Ease And Supremacy

Article by Michelle L. Green

Our memory is a house of pains. This house or quarters store many details that we learn from experience and others. The conceptualization housed in our memory is what we arrive at from interpretations observed or otherwise. We gather this information and store it from what we seen, heard, believed, (Note: Belief is something allegedly noted or assumed) or experienced. Looking at the note, we want to establish beliefs with concrete evidence to back our… Continue reading

Short Term Memory : How Your Memory Works and What You Can Do To Improve It Dramatically

Article by Rod Bremer

Upon experiencing a particular sensation, be it a pleasurable sound, sight or smell, the stimuli is flashed in the sensory regions of the brain. If the brain focused on the stimuli consciously, mainly due to the activity in the thalamus, the sensations registered are then transferred to short term memory storage in the cerebral cortex.

The information that is stored in short term memory is simply a collection of electrochemical connections between neurons. In order to… Continue reading

Brain Training : Free Brain Training That Really Works

If you’re interested in brain training, the first thing that comes to mind is probably video games like Brain Age or Big Brain Academy, or maybe another online program like Lumosity. In fact, probably every brain training method you can think of is probably some sort of product that will set you back a little money. But the fact of the matter is that brain training could be totally free, and even more effective then the paid solutions out there.… Continue reading