How to Improve Your Memory With Better Food Choices : Brain Foods

Article by John MacRaay

Good Food, Good for Your Brain.

The food you eat shouldn’t be chosen based on how it tastes to your tongue. The food you eat has a huge bearing on how well your mind and body function. When you were younger, and your parents were constantly telling you to eat your greens, well, they were on to something.

The first step to a healthier memory and a healthier mind is to pay heed to your parents sagely advice. Eat right! Eating well can help keep you emotionally balanced, and keep your mind young.

The Right Foods.

In a modern era, eating well can be difficult. There is no doubt a fast food restaurant nearby begging you to eat something cheap and easy. Your local grocery store might be full of heavily processed, but easy to prepare, foods. Whatever challenges are abound, it is worth overcoming them in an effort to eat better.

Simply by eating better foods, you will have better concentration abilities, you will be able to think quicker, and your memory will be able to more easily pull up information quickly.

When deciding what food to buy, the shopper should always look at the nutrition facts on the label. The nutrition facts are not designed as pretty packaging, there are there to help consumers. Firstly, if a product has more than seven ingredients, ignore said product. Make an effort to choose foods with lesser ingredients, and fewer processed elements.

“The more you have to do yourself in preparing a meal, the better food you will serve on your table.”

A Few Suggestions.

Snacking is not a crime.However, the way in which you snack is very important. If you are going to snack, make a point to keep healthy snacks on hand. Also, try to balance out what snacks you are eating between proteins, carbs, and fats just like you would with your regular meals. Furthermore, you will be less likely to purchase tempting unhealthy snacks.When you eat, do so in moderation.By not eating in excess, the body is able to get what it needs, without being inundated with excess. Your body only needs a certain amount of sugar, fats, and proteins, and that’s what you should be giving it. Do not make your body work harder than it needs to by overindulging.Drink more water.Make an effort to fit drinking more water into your daily habits. Ideally, you should be drinking eight cups of water per day. If you can’t drink eight cups, then get as close as you can. Your body, and your blood, is mostly made up of water. Make a point to give your blood the tool it needs (water!) to bring nutrients to your brain. When nutrients and oxygen are reaching your brain, your brain is functioning better. Remember to intake essential fats.Not all fats are created equally. Make a point of including Omega-3 Fatty acids, found in avocados, and DHA, which is found in fish, into your diet. These fats are largely what make up our brain composition, and are good for the mind. Include antioxidants in your diet.As the uses oxygen and food, it creates free radicals. Free radicals are a good thing for your body in moderation, but often times our bodies create an excess. In order to cut down on the excess free radicals in the brain, foods with antioxidants should be included in one’s diet. Such foods include kiwis, broccoli, strawberries, cranberries blackberries, and a litany of others.Balance out proteins, carbohydrates, and fats that are positive for the diet.The human body requires that we maintain a balanced diet. Often, people eat too much carbohydrates and sugars. The excess of carbs and sugar causes blood sugar to rise, and causes the brain to function slower. Keep hearty proteins in your diet: like the ones found in soy, cheese, nuts (especially walnuts), and lean meats.Make your healthy diet work for you.Create a plan, and work with it. Plan out meals in advance; that way you won’t just end up heating up whatever is easy (and likely unhealthy) from the freezer. Additionally, if you’ve got a shopping list, while at the store, you will be more likely to purchase the foods that you need, not necessarily the ones you just want.


Eating the right food in order to improve your physical and mental health is not so difficult as many people believe. I hope that I have given you some easy examples of how to implement a healthier way of eating to improve your memory by improving your physical health as well as your mental health through the food that passes your mouth.

John MacRaay has developed himself an expertise on memory improvement. For more great tips on Improve Memory With Food, visit

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