Satellite Internet Assisting Those with Dial-up in the Short-Term Memory : Short Term Memory

Article by Jon Jacobson

Cruising the internet one can find many articles written about the ‘death of dial-up.’ What might surprise the average reader are the dates attached to such articles. When did the scale finally tip, and broadband customers outweighed dial-up customers at long last? While most people would guess 1997, the real answer is 2007. Just three years ago the same number of people were subscribing to dial-up as broadband internet. Today, three short years later, the world is completely wired for high speed internet. In fact, most of the search engines, websites and internet features the average person uses on a daily basis are too heavy to be used with dial-up. That doesn’t change the fact, however, that many people are still stuck with it. While many areas of states like Arkansas and Indiana are well wired to a terrestrial broadband network like DSL or cable, others are still off the network map in no man’s land. These internet customers can choose between dial-up, or dial-up, or, now, finally a second option, satellite internet broadband.

Those in favor of dial-up see it as a simpler way of life, when always-on internet convenience meant people didn’t spend as much time online. What they fail to leave out is that people didn’t use the internet as much because it was a complete pain in the neck to dial in, and then half the time you’d get kicked off anyway! Like it or not the world is all about sending large files online, media sharing, and internet information. There are people that go to college, work, play, date and basically live online. Even though it might not be the most wholesome way to live, it is a reality. These people need an internet connection they can count on like a satellite broadband connection, and not some outdated dial-up 56k modem connection.

Granted, Arkansas and Indiana are states with vast farmlands where high speed internet might not be such a priority, but new generations of businessmen and women are looking to the internet to improve life for everything from recreation to even things like farming. Not everyone has to agree that using a high speed connection to be instant messaging and social networking is the right thing to do, in fact, it’s almost certainly not, but that is to deny all the great things a tool like the internet can accomplish. When the world is instantaneously connected, society can see far more clearly the ‘big picture,’ and how the world is interconnected. This kind of empathy and compassion is certainly needed in today’s society of fear and ‘terror,’ however, learning these lessons means using the internet in a positive way and not letting the pedantic applications take over. For those looking to step into the future and leave dial-up behind, a service they are still stuck using, it’s time to look into satellite internet broadband. As current dial-up users will have noticed, those that complain the most about broadband internet being worse for society than dial-up, probably still have a broadband DSL or cable subscription! Don’t let them get you down, make the right decision for you computing needs with satellite internet.

No matter what part of the state you live in, check out the coverage available from hughes net arkansas. Go high speed all across the state with satellite internet indiana.

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