
Brain Power – Teaming Left And Right Brain Halves

There are very few things in nature that are exactly alike, and that goes for so-called identical twins too. Every mountain is different, and no two sunsets are the same. This applies to the two halves of our brain too like life partners they have different skills that with practice can develop into complementary roles.

The left brain is analytical in nature, and follows logical, sequential thought patterns. Its strengths lie in its power of rational and analytical thinking that… Continue reading

Photographic Memory : Learn How To Play Violin Right Now

Article by Blair Chantrill

Learn How To Play Violin Right Now – Hobbies – Crafts

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VIOLIN MASTER PRO:YOUR GATEWAY TO SUPERB PERFORMANCEIt is never too early, nor too late to play the violin. The violin is an awesome instrument and Eric Lewis will show you exactly why.


Right Brain Kids – Art Activities for Toddler Education and Parenting : Brain Training

Article by Jean Splinterson

Some of these programs, however cannot be installed on a home computer and require that you do these exercises at the office of a medical provider. Most insurance companies will not pay for these brain training software programs. The cost of the software and the cost of the evaluation by the Cognitive Behavioral Specialist administering the programs are unfortunate barriers that make these non-pharmaceutical interventions for A.D.H.D. inaccessible to some of the adults and children who… Continue reading

Photographic Memory : Choosing The Right Photographer For That Extra Special Occasion

Article by Adam Reedy

We all love to have photographic memories of times we have passed together with friends and family, holiday snaps to remember those funny moments buy, the landmarks visited, or the cities reached. But when we have a really special occasion that we would like to photograph, sometimes we feel it best we leave it to the professionals. Here is where photographers.com.au can help you. If you are looking for an events photographer, perhaps for a wedding… Continue reading

Photographic Memory : Tips on Choosing the Right Wedding Photographer

Article by Mags

You think the cake is going to give you a headache. Well, the cake gets eaten and most probably forgotten about – eventually. Photographic memories last forever. So choosing the perfect photographer for your special day is no easy task.

The first thing you realise is that not all photographers are the same. Each photographer is completely individual, from the way they work to their personal style. This can often be revealed in their portfolios, but there… Continue reading

ADHD Diet – Know The Right Foods : Brain Foods

Article by Michael Harrah

Looking at the overall society, most people will look at people with ADHD in a different light. This is because they have this condition but a lot of them are trying to deal with it with the help of various procedures or things. One of these is taking in a good ADHD Diet that will help them control different symptoms that may accompany it. Typically, they can lower down the manifestation of ADHD by taking in… Continue reading

Memory Exercises : Memory Exercises Are Great But Get the Basics Right First

Many people who start to experience memory fade, at whatever age this my start, often jump to the mistaken belief they have a serious problem. This is a mistake. Most people who start to experience memory loss or simple forgetfulness can do many simple things before ever going on to thinking there is something serious wrong.

There are indeed many excellent memory exercises that can help you to remember lists and speeches and much else you may feel the need… Continue reading