
Brain Enhancement Methods Techniques Software and New technology Tools : Brain Foods

Article by Leon Edward

Brain Enhancement can be attained with natural and technical methods both rather quickly and longer term more permanent results. You will be glad you spent the extra effort in optimizing your brain power and maintaining brain health for your entire life. Being smarter and optimizing your IQ, you will also be happier and more than likely financially successful.

Some short term fixes that can show improvent almost immediately include simply improving your posture, correctly breathing, modifying… Continue reading

Photographic Memory : Learn While You Sleep With Subliminal Software

Article by Gregory Frost

For many of us, learning stops when we graduate from college (or leave school at any point of our lives) and there is a very good reason for this. We have had enough of learning and often wish we could burn the textbooks and maim teachers when we have finally received our paper qualifications and are well on our way to our careers. More often than not we come upon grave disappointment at our new found… Continue reading