
Lee Strasburg Acting Technique : Memory Exercises

Article by Alison Roskopp

Lee Strasberg was inspired by Stanislavski to create “The Method.” The Method is the most used acting technique in America. In fact most actors on screen and on stage were trained using Strasberg’s Method. The objective to this technique is to portray authentic emotions and thoughts in imaginary conditions.

Relaxation is stressed as it helps the actor stay free. Strasberg’s reason for ridding muscles tension is that the actor can enter a greater state of reaction… Continue reading

Short Term Memory : How To Improve Memory – 6 Scientific Ways And 1 Bizarre Technique!

Article by Donna Stewart

How To Improve Memory – 6 Scientific Ways And 1 Bizarre Technique! – Internet

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In response to “how to improve memory,” many dismiss the matter by saying that you cannot teach new tricks to an old dog. However, for humans, this does not apply. Our brain displays neuroplasticity, which makes it stupendously… Continue reading

Short Term Memory : The Roman Room Method – A Time-Tested Memory Training Technique

Article by Gustavo Horton

Our memory has both short-term and long-term components. The short-term componentstores data for only a short interval. Rarely more than a few minutes. It isdelicate by nature and the brain soon discards it. It is widely believed that thebrain can typically only hold at least 7 short-term memories.

That explains why a person can usually recall their phone number but needs to readfrom their credit card when making a purchase.

A primitive but effective way of… Continue reading

Stanislavski Acting Technique : Memory Exercises

Article by Alison Roskopp

Constantin Sergeyevich Stanislavski was a 20th century Russian actor and director. He created an acting method that has been used and transformed by many greats within the acting industry. His methods and techniques have trained a plethora of modern celebrities and stage actors. His goal when creating the Stanislavski system was to create realism in acting. He is the father and creator of Method acting.

Stanislavski believed in the power of imagination in creating real emotions.… Continue reading