
Food for Thought: Brain Nutrition

Evolutionarily speaking, human beings are designed to consume a much more nutritional diet than the vast majority of modern humans enjoy. This should lead us to wonder what we might be missing out on, what aspects of our body’s normal functioning aren’t operating as they should be? Recent research has led many scientists to argue that our modern diet is leaving us shortchanged, particularly when it comes to optimum brain functioning.

Research has shown that getting just the right amount… Continue reading

Fish Food for Thought : Brain Foods

Article by Simon Evans

Copyright (c) 2006 The Brain Code LLC

Have you heard about omega-3s? You may have seen headlines in the New York Times or CNN touting their benefits. Maybe you have seen them highlighted on cereal boxes and other food products. What are they and why is it such a big deal?

The fat brain

Omega-3s are one type of Poly-Unsaturated Fatty Acid or PUFA that are incredibly important for your heart and brain. In fact, your… Continue reading