
Food for Thought: Brain Nutrition

Evolutionarily speaking, human beings are designed to consume a much more nutritional diet than the vast majority of modern humans enjoy. This should lead us to wonder what we might be missing out on, what aspects of our body’s normal functioning aren’t operating as they should be? Recent research has led many scientists to argue that our modern diet is leaving us shortchanged, particularly when it comes to optimum brain functioning.

Research has shown that getting just the right amount… Continue reading

Mental Nutrition: Regulating Brain Functions : Brain Foods

Article by Kristine Anne Gonzaga

Aside from your heart, your brain is another organ in your body that is constantly at work. Even if you decide not to think, the brain is constantly processing data from your different senses and trying to make sense of everything. It also regulates everything from your hormonal cycles to the functions of your body systems. Your brain also works even in your sleep. It is a center of constant activity with neurotransmitters sending impulses… Continue reading

Optimal Brain Nutrition

When I practiced as a doctor of Naturopathic medicine I found that supplements feeding the brain could reverse many neurological problems. 25 years ago my father had Parkinson’s disease and was taking many medications. Through careful research I put together a formulation and asked him to take the supplements. I never had to ask him to take the supplements again, he would tell me, “You know I’m getting mighty low on those vitamins you gave me.” My father being of… Continue reading

Nutrition For The Brain

The brain can clearly be identified as the best and the most important component of the body. It gives orders to almost every other part of your body what to do, every time, whether you’re conscious of it or not. When a message receives into the brain from wherever in the body, the brain directs the body how to respond. It not only manage what you think and sense, how you study and memorize,  but also functions that you… Continue reading

Benefits of Nutrition Supplements : Brain Vitamin

Article by Ankit

Nutrition supplements are not only necessary but are indispensable even for those persons eating balanced diets. There are several advantages that bodybuilding nutrition supplements are able to provide humans that normal food is not able to give.

Let us take a brief look at the benefits of nutrition supplements, as the first step in nutrition guide.

Healthy nutrition increases energy both in body and in mindIt provides relaxation to the mind and the various body partsBodybuilding supplements… Continue reading

Nutrition and Brain Activity : Brain Foods

Article by Abdullah Salim & Nedalee Ruiz

Food is very important not just for energy, but also for brain activity, mood and behavior. We can get irritable, annoyed and restless if we skip meals or do not eat enough. On the other hand, we may feel calm and relaxed if we have had food in a timely manner. A sleepy person can be productive after a cup of coffee but a person who does not eat enough on a regular… Continue reading

Become Smarter with Food – Nutrition : Brain Foods

Article by Jeremy Wong

This is a continuation from Eating to your Smartness – Part 1, part of a series of articles about increasing your intelligence and becoming smarter through foods, so visit my blog (link below) if you haven’t read it.

To recap, I spoke about the overall benefits of eating well and of the importance of drinking water properly in part 1, and spoke about how to increase the brain’s abilities with oxygen in part 2. Now, I… Continue reading

Nutrition, Antioxidants and Brain Health, Oh My! : Brain Foods

Article by Michael S. Logan

The relationship between antioxidants and brain health is the subject of on-going research. The subject of brain food health, so to speak, is relatively new, although we’ve known about fish for many years.

Fish is considered the ultimate brain food because of the “gray matter” is primarily composed of an omega-3 fatty acid known as DHA. Our brains need it to maintain and rebuild cells. In clinical research, supplementation of omega-3 fatty acids has been… Continue reading

Nutrition Brain Food : Brain Foods

Article by Janet Walker

My brain is very important to me and i assume to you to, meaning your brain to mine. Since we age, which is out of our control, both our bodies and our brains grow old also. However by realising smart food choices, we can preserve our treasured gray matter for longer and improve our brain function. Below are a few brainy choices for keeping our brains in good shape.

Blueberries have been revealed to shield the… Continue reading

Healthy : Nutrition to help you stay focused : Brain Foods

Article by quadhealthy

To help you stay focused, you need a diet rich in iron, B vitamins folate, complex carbohydrates and essential fatty acids because brain cells require twice the energy of the other cells in the body. Proper nutrition is very important for maintaining brain function and mental abilities, such as focus, memory and concentration.

Nutrients needed by brain cells :

Iron The relationship between the level of iron in the body and the brain’s ability to focus first… Continue reading