The Quick Way to Boost Memory : Boost Memory

Article by Sean Teahan

A saying goes; “Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are and the things you never want to lose”. There’s no doubt the human memory is key to living a full and rewarding life and that’s why it’s so important to keep it fresh and alert. Luckily there are a few proven methods that can be used to protect and train the memory. Although it is best to start young, it is never to late to start doing these simple things to improve the memory.Eating healthy food The best foods for the memory are foods with Omega3 oils or foods with fatty acids in them such as wild salmon, tuna or even simply supplementing actual fish for fish oil. Fish can be a little expensive and sometimes the weekly budget wont stretch as far as food for the mind, for those weeks there are fax less payday loans. No thinking involved there!  Other foods which are good for the memory are fresh, colorful fruits and vegetables. The antioxidants in these fruits and vegetables improve memory by decreasing free radical damage that can occur with age. Physical exercise Also exercise is needed for at least 30 minutes a day. This pumps oxygen through the body, which helps ameliorate the consequences of aging the brain. Exercising isn’t just good for the memory, it is good for everything. A simple 30 minutes a day could go so far in so many ways. That could either entail taking a walk around the block or maybe even going to the gym. However, there is never a need to stress about gym fee’s, stress is not good for the brain, there are always options like taking out a  payday loan online to cover the costs. While exercising, it is a good idea to drink plenty of water, having that cold H2O circulating through the body will help to think a lot clearer. Memory exercises The internet is a great place to find easy memory exercises, that can be done whilst going for a walk or session at the gym. An easy memory exercise to do, is to have a quick walk through a room in the house. Look at everything, memories it, leave the room and then repeat the order in which everything was seen in that one room. The open window, a red truck lying on the floor near the rug, the soft cream blanket draped over the deep blue sofa and so on. If the answer is wrong to what was seen, then maybe push a little harder in the physical exercise, an extra 5 minutes on the treadmill. Then, the next time while taking a stroll, do the same memory exercise, except try doing two rooms this time. Soon the whole house will be included in this brain exercise! Finally a really important thing for memory is sleep. So much happens during the day and the mind has to process it all. So at least a standard 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep is needed.


Sean Teahan co-founder of Cash Doctors,Australia’s preferred short term lender, shares his insights on money matters. Cash Doctors also help people in the long run by providing budgeting tools, e-books and individually researched articles on money matters and financial tips. The aim is to assist people in achieving instant and long term financial freedom.

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