Vitamins : Vitamins for weight loss and their sources

Article by Bestolkovyj

Let us consider the vitamins that help our bodies in secret in the eternal struggle with excess weight.

It’s no secret that the most important role in maintaining a healthy weight is your metabolism, and therefore we begin with the vitamins that this is the sharing of affect, namely the B vitamins

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and B6 (pyridoxine) – free energy of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, as well as contribute to the proper operation of the thyroid gland.

Vitamin B3 (niacin) – plays an important role in the proper operation of stomach and intestines. Therefore, the lack of it can lead to constipation and heartburn. Also, it is indispensable in the process of protein metabolism and cholesterol.

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) – is involved in many metabolic reactions and supports the synthesis of “good” cholesterol, hormones, fatty acids. In addition, it activates the reaction of conversion of fat into energy.

We should also be said about choline, which also belongs to this group and help smuggle in fat cells, the hormone that breaks down fats.

Vitamin C – strengthens the immune system, lowers blood cholesterol levels and activates intracellular metabolic processes (for example, helps transfer glucose into energy). In addition, this vitamin is involved in the synthesis of the hormone norepinephrine (“stress hormone”), which helps us to cope with stressful situations.

Vitamin D – provides normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and also helps to absorb phosphorus and calcium. Calcium, in turn, is an active participant in the process of splitting fat.

Since we are on calcium, then add a couple more to vitamins trace elements, which also affect the process of normalization of weight.

Zinc – trace mineral that supports normal hormones and insulin in the blood and also helps curb your appetite.

Chromium – reduces cholesterol and blood sugar, normalize metabolism, strengthens muscles in sports.

Manganese – prevents fatty liver and thus contributes to utilization of body fat.

Magnesium – burns fat and glucose, activates the metabolism. Where to take vitamins and minerals that contribute to the normalization of weight?

With the necessary vitamins and trace elements, like, figured out, but the question of where to take them remains open. Of course, the easiest way to go to the nearest drugstore and pick up the complex of vitamins and minerals, which includes the fighters listed above with overweight. Better yet, a preliminary discussion of this choice of a doctor – a nutritionist, because taking synthetic vitamins today is a lot of questions from the experts. For example, foreign researchers talk about the harmfulness of synthetic vitamins for the body. And if you also do not trust the vitamins in a jar, then you have a more complex, but the safest way out – a balanced diet.

Our ancestors have given them all the necessary vitamins and minerals is from food. And what exactly we need live foods for weight loss vitamins and minerals, we consider below.

Thus, the B vitamins found in meat (pork, beef), eggs, dairy products, cheese, yeast, fish, legumes, nuts, grains and vegetables (leafy vegetables, cauliflower and beets).

Vitamin C in the right quantities can be found in sauerkraut, cranberries, kiwi fruit, dog rose, sea buckthorn, black currant, and, of course, citrus.

Vitamin D is removed from the oil-rich fish and fish oils, and dairy products. In addition, this vitamin is synthesized in the body under the action of the sun.

This trace mineral like calcium in shellfish, shrimp, oysters, cheese, milk, figs, nuts (almonds, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts), broccoli, tofu, papaya, oranges.

Zinc-rich: pork and veal liver, tuna, oysters, eggs, beans, oats, wheat and corn.

The source of chromium are liver, broccoli, brewer’s yeast, beans, potatoes and orange juice.

Manganese can boast of berries (cranberries, blueberries, raspberries, currants, strawberries), as well as legumes, grains and nuts.

Finally, magnesium can be obtained from fresh fruit and vegetables, beans, nuts, barley, bran, seeds, fish (bream, halibut), hard cheeses.

Thus, we see that the list of foods that contain vitamins for weight loss, and may be extensive enough to satisfy the requirements of any dietary menu. Also, taking vitamins in natural form, you will definitely not bring harm to their health. However, there is an important point to keep in mind: the products must be exceptionally good quality. Only in this case, they are able to give your body everything you need.

Vitamins for weight loss and their sources

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