
Decrease Your Blood Pressure, Increase Your Brain Power : Brain Power

Article by Bobby Buys

Several recent studies found a close link between blood pressure and brain power. A paper published in the Journal of the American Medical Association reports that people with high blood pressure made more errors on their mental status tests than those with normal pressure. Another study proved that on average people with high blood pressure performed 10% slower on mental tests and were less capable of remembering words, facts or numbers.

High blood pressure can also… Continue reading

Losing weight with subliminal mp3s : Subliminal MP3

Article by S Quinn

Many people are finding it hard to lose weight and keep their weight down. They try new diets, new exercise programs, new diet pills. However, they neglect to try and change the way they think about food and exercise. How you think about food can have a dramatic effect on your weight.

Just think about it now. Do you often think of pigging out on junk food? Are you constantly thinking and worried about your weight?… Continue reading

Vitamins : Vitamins for weight loss and their sources

Article by Bestolkovyj

Let us consider the vitamins that help our bodies in secret in the eternal struggle with excess weight.

It’s no secret that the most important role in maintaining a healthy weight is your metabolism, and therefore we begin with the vitamins that this is the sharing of affect, namely the B vitamins

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and B6 (pyridoxine) – free energy of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, as well as contribute to the proper operation of the thyroid… Continue reading

Vitamins : What Is The Best Vitamin For Weight Loss?

Article by Evan Nasseri

Why Should I Take Vitamins For Weight Loss?

One great composition of a balance diet is vitamins and they give great contributions when it comes to weight loss. Many people don’t want to be called fat so they turn to diet programs, regular exercise in the gym, supplements and even surgery in worse cases. Those are just some ways to become slimmer but taking vitamins to achieve weight loss in a natural, beneficial and healthier way.… Continue reading

Vitamins : Weight Loss Vitamins For Women

Article by Xylene Belita

If you are someone who has difficulty losing weight, you probably should start thinking of weight loss vitamins for women to fast track your progress. This is because bodily systems react rather differently; while simply embarking on the right exercise programs and diet may be very effective for a lot of people, others require a bit more help in order to see visible results. Help, in this regard, may come in various forms, and among these… Continue reading

Vitamins : The Best Vitamins for Weight Loss

Article by Alex Shawn

One of the most popular methods of losing weight is by concentrating on increasing the consumption of particular vitamins. Vitamins are essential in helping the body function that way it is supposed and providing it with the right amounts of certain vitamins will allow it to benefit your weight loss aspirations.

Fat Burning Vitamins for Weight Loss

Losing weight, whether it’s a single pound or a large number of pounds, is extremely hard to do. This… Continue reading