
Stress Will Cause Poor Memory and Loss of Focus And Concentration : Memory Exercises

Article by Leon Edward

It has been scientifically proven that our bodies evolve to respond to stressors by altering the physiology to react the right way to the stressor. However, when we come across a stressor that is symbolic to our bodies the body alters itself the way it did before but may not react the same.

Because of this, we build up what are known as stress products. Instead of using these stress products we “grin and bear it”,… Continue reading

Decrease Your Blood Pressure, Increase Your Brain Power : Brain Power

Article by Bobby Buys

Several recent studies found a close link between blood pressure and brain power. A paper published in the Journal of the American Medical Association reports that people with high blood pressure made more errors on their mental status tests than those with normal pressure. Another study proved that on average people with high blood pressure performed 10% slower on mental tests and were less capable of remembering words, facts or numbers.

High blood pressure can also… Continue reading