
Stress Will Cause Poor Memory and Loss of Focus And Concentration : Memory Exercises

Article by Leon Edward

It has been scientifically proven that our bodies evolve to respond to stressors by altering the physiology to react the right way to the stressor. However, when we come across a stressor that is symbolic to our bodies the body alters itself the way it did before but may not react the same.

Because of this, we build up what are known as stress products. Instead of using these stress products we “grin and bear it”,… Continue reading

Using a Food Label to Pick Foods that Make You Full & Avoid Those That Cause Hunger : Brain Foods

Article by Richard Lipman M.D.

The best method to minimize hunger and therefore overeating is to pick foods and beverages that prevent hunger and avoid foods that cause hunger. I suggest picking foods based on the following three techniques that require only a food label: Food Label Tells Us Characteristics of Foods Producing Fullness:

1. Low Energy density2. High protein (> 10grams/portion)3. Low sugar (< 10 grams/portion)4. High fiber (> 2.5 g grams/portion)

1. Foods with Low Energy Density Produce… Continue reading