
Photographic Memory : How To Develop Your Full Brain Potential, Read Faster And Recall More

Article by Tunji Akinseloyin

Why can’t we maintain the brain power we had as children?

There was a time when our memory was at its peak.But as time goes on and as the concerns of life crowd on us, we seem to lose some of the brain power we had as kids, or did we?

The body naturally ages, and that includes the brain too The stress of everyday life takes a toll on our healthInadequate nutrition further compromises our… Continue reading

Using a Food Label to Pick Foods that Make You Full & Avoid Those That Cause Hunger : Brain Foods

Article by Richard Lipman M.D.

The best method to minimize hunger and therefore overeating is to pick foods and beverages that prevent hunger and avoid foods that cause hunger. I suggest picking foods based on the following three techniques that require only a food label: Food Label Tells Us Characteristics of Foods Producing Fullness:

1. Low Energy density2. High protein (> 10grams/portion)3. Low sugar (< 10 grams/portion)4. High fiber (> 2.5 g grams/portion)

1. Foods with Low Energy Density Produce… Continue reading

Brain Power Memory: How to Maximize its Full Potential : Brain Power

Article by Ewin Chia

There are a few lucky ones bestowed with supernatural brain power memory – an amazing ability to memorize information at an extraordinary rate, sometimes even be able to memorize entire books after only reading it for a few hours. You can imagine how easily they can ace a test and graduate through high school and college, for memorization is no problem to them.

Majority of us, however, have problems with memorization and attentiveness. School can spell… Continue reading