Vitamins : Weight Loss Vitamins For Women

Article by Xylene Belita

If you are someone who has difficulty losing weight, you probably should start thinking of weight loss vitamins for women to fast track your progress. This is because bodily systems react rather differently; while simply embarking on the right exercise programs and diet may be very effective for a lot of people, others require a bit more help in order to see visible results. Help, in this regard, may come in various forms, and among these are dietary supplements that aid in weight loss. Then again, you have to be picky when it comes to weight loss supplements. You should be able to understand what comprise each weight loss pill because there are those that consist of ingredients that are purely intended to make you lose weight and which do not have other nutritional values. Supplements of this kind will bring your weight down but expect certain consequences, like fatigue, loss of electrolytes, diarrhea, dehydration, and the like. What you need to look for are weight loss vitamins for women specifically because these serve a variety of purpose. Apart from helping you lose weight the proper way, weight loss vitamins also help to maintain a healthy well being. Ideal weight loss vitamins in this case are the B Vitamins and Vitamin C. The B-vitamins are so important to one’s health. Vitamin B2, also known as Riboflavin, regulates thyroid activity and aids in metabolism, a critical factor in weight loss. A slow metabolism usually means less effective fat-burning properties, and that contributes to weight gain.

Consuming Vitamin B2-rich foods like liver, milk, almonds, cheese, and vegetables and/or multivitamins that contain sufficient Vitamin B2 helps to remedy the problem. Vitamin B3 or Niacin is essential in the production of the thyroid hormone that would play a direct role in metabolism. Niacin can be sourced from brown rice, eggs, wheat bran, chicken, barley, and cheese. Vitamin B5 or Panthotenic Acid proves to be just as important as the first two B-vitamins because how fat is utilized by the body depends on it. Vitamin B6 or Pyridoxine has roughly the same function as Niacin in that it hastens metabolism by controlling thyroid hormone production. Pyridoxine is usually found in oats, poultry and beef, brown rice, cabbage, eggs, and bananas. Now choline may not exactly be a vitamin, strictly speaking, but it still forms part of the B-vitamin family, one that is especially needed to ensure that fat is metabolized efficiently. Sufficient amounts of choline are very important to ensure that the fats are not cornered in the liver but metabolized to become energy. Cucumber, peanuts and cauliflower are all good sources of choline. Choline has to work side by side with Inositol, to enable a faster metabolism. Inositol is not a vitamin but is an essential component of the B-vitamins. Soy, whole grains, eggs, nuts, and citrus fruits all have good amounts of Inositol. Aside from the B-vitamins, Vitamin C is also regarded as a weight loss vitamin, it facilitating glucose conversion into useful energy. Vitamin C also aids in metabolism and prevents weight gain while at the same time boosting your body’s immunity. Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits like organe, lemon, kiwi, and strawberry, as well as in vegetables, like broccoli and green pepper. Based on the foregoing, you can see why it is a must that Vitamin C and the B-vitamins compose the weight loss vitamins for women.

Explore measures that can be taken to not only live longer but also live better with UCSF’s Dr. Donald Abrams who discusses vitamins and supplements. Series: UCSF Mini Medical School for the Public [6/2008] [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 14530]

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