Boost Memory : Boosting Memory Made Easy

A powerful memory can be so useful, it really can even be the deciding factor between success and failure in many areas of life. A good memory will make you look more respectable, in control, professional and more.

So you want to improve yours? Here are our top 3 memory boosting tips:

Varied repetition: The most basic form of memory – especially if you generally have problems remembering things will be to repeat something over and over. This works, but only so far. You can add extra power to this technique by using a few forms of different repetition, i.e. in trying to remember a new friend’s name; repeat their name back to them – i.e. “nice to meet you Dave”, repeat the name in your head, sing the name in your head, write the name down on paper. Doing just a couple of different things like this will really help too boost your memory – give it a try you’ll be amazed!

Visualize: Just being told a fact, or perhaps the date and time of a meeting place can be easily forgotten. Make yourself 3x more likely to remember by doing a quick 10 second visualization. For example, a friend asks you to meet them in town on Saturday outside the town clock at 2pm. Visualize yourself stood there in the future, look around you, and look up at the clock and note that the time says 2 o’clock. Just taking a few seconds to do this will make you much more likely to remember.

Subliminal Messaging: One method which is becoming increasingly popular is the use of subliminal audio. Subliminal messages work as a mild form of hypnosis, but you don’t have to enter a trance. You can use them while you work, or study, and all they do is send subliminal suggestions into your mind to help you focus, take in information more effectively, and boost your memory over the long term. They are not magic or instant, but they will enhance your efforts and give you an advantage.

Receive 3 free subliminal audio albums and enhance your brain like never before.

Or use our subliminal memory album and boost your memory naturally with the power of subliminal messages.

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